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Tom Godley
01-14-2008, 8:47 PM
I just wanted to know if some type of spell check was added to the forum - I have noticed that a red line is popping up - I did not notice it before.

I am slightly dyslexic so I do some strange things with words and stranger things with numbers - especially when i am tired.

I have a few universal spellcheck programs - so I was wondering if it was mine or the forum.

Chris Padilla
01-15-2008, 10:14 AM
Is spllening raelly all that imoprteint on the innetirnet? ;)


No, there isn't a spell check builit-in here. The red underline you see may be part of the advertisement kicking in. On the BMW forum that I moderate, the word "tires" would turn red and be underlined and if you click it, it'll take you to the sponsor forum whose specialized in, you guessed it, tires!

Jim Becker
01-15-2008, 10:21 AM
Firefox provides that to me...it's built into the browser. And yes, misspelled words are underlined in red. Just right-click to adjust them. Similar capability is available in other browsers, either natively or via an add-in.

Chris Padilla
01-15-2008, 10:26 AM
Ah, I see that it is browser-specific or as an add-in...cool!

John Bailey
01-15-2008, 10:58 AM
Got mine with Firefox also. It has been a blessing because, apparently, my native spelling ability is similar to Chris.


Chris Padilla
01-15-2008, 11:05 AM
John, you understood every word I wrote! ;) There is that email that goes around all the time about how our brains do not read every letter in a word to recognize the word so, really, in essence, spelling isn't all that important! :D

John Bailey
01-15-2008, 11:26 AM
You're right Chris. Actually, it's even better than that. If you take a piece of paper and cover the bottom part of the word, you can still read the words. Doesn't work so well with the other way around.


Tom Godley
01-15-2008, 12:00 PM
Jim: Thanks for the info -- But I just tried to call Steve Jobs to find out how I "right click" this thing. They told me he was busy?

Chris: I can not remember..... is BMW that second tier clock maker from southern germany.... OH wait ... Don't they make props for tri planes! :)

Jim O'Dell
01-15-2008, 12:27 PM
The newest version of Netsape also has the spell check built in. I've downloaded Firefox since Netscape is ceasing to exist, but haven't played with it much at this point. Good to know it's in there too. But it doesn't seem to have form fill...neither does the new version of Netscape. And opening new tabs within the window is not as easy as the old netscape. Jim.

Jim Becker
01-15-2008, 1:55 PM
Jim: Thanks for the info -- But I just tried to call Steve Jobs to find out how I "right click" this thing. They told me he was busy?

I'm not Jobs...nor do I have his money...but I can tell you the solution is to get a different rodent for your MAC. The MAC will work quite nicely with a multi-button mouse, too... ;)

In the mean time, there may be a "hold down this key and then click" combination that gets you the context sensitive menu that many browsers will use to provide capabilities like this. Since I stayed in the Win-world for this new computer (although I came "close" to an iMAC) I don't know what that combination may or may not be....

Chris Padilla
01-15-2008, 2:26 PM
Chris: I can not remember..... is BMW that second tier clock maker from southern germany.... OH wait ... Don't they make props for tri planes! :)

Bavaria is reeling after that!! ;)

Actually, it is a common misconception that the blue/white BMW Roundel is a propeller...it is actually the colors of the Bavarian flag! Well, check this if you care to: http://www.toytowngermany.com/lofi/index.php/t59808.html A small discussion of the origins of the BMW Roundel.