View Full Version : Didn't make it to the Woodworking Show in Columbus - How was it?

Sam Yerardi
01-14-2008, 12:01 PM
How was the show? I really wanted to go but had to go to a wedding on Saturday (in Columbus) and got side-tracked on Sunday.

Ralph Okonieski
01-14-2008, 12:32 PM
Saturday morning was very crowded until about 1PM or so. It was difficult to navigate up and down the aisles until it thinned early afternoon. It was somewhat disappointing. Ridgid, PC/Dewalt/Delta had big setups. Laguna was the only other "big" machine company there and they only had the lower priced 16" bandsaw and one tablesaw in there booth. The Laguna 16HD bandsaw was in the one class area where they did some free stuff. Peachtree had a huge display; it occupied two or maybe three of the rows. Sommerfelds (?) had a large setup. Lee Valley was there also. Apollo and Earlx sprayers were there. There were maybe 3-4 lumberyards represented. Overall a mild disappointment; SteelCity was there in 2007 and I was hoping to look closer at their products this year.

Saw a demo of the new PC Omnijig. What a monster! Looks pretty nice but also costs big dollars.

Ralph Barhorst
01-14-2008, 12:42 PM
I went on Friday and enjoyed it.

There was a nice demo of a system designed to cut "crown moldings". I don't need one but if I was a finish carpenter, I would get one.

I got the new Woodworker II blade for $100. The old blade was $80.

Got a bunch of stuff from the Peachtree booth.

Only bummer was when I went out to the car and found a Highway Patrolman and a tow-truck driver looking at the damage the tow-truck driver did to my car when he backed into it. The rear door was wiped out but no serious damage to any other area.

Bob Oehler
01-14-2008, 1:15 PM
I second Ralph's observation. Also for the past 2 years Lie-Neilson was absent. I liked to bounce between them and Lee Valley for a pruchase and some years I would end up buying from both.

I was realy looking forward to the Steel City display. As usual I bought my late Christmas present from Lee Valley. This year I got a med. Shoulder plane.

Also chatted with the fine folks at the Central Ohio Woodworkers booth. This year I even joined. Thanks Ron if you are reading this for letting my boys use the molding planes and the help you gave me.

Maybe Next Year we will see Lie Neilson and Steel City

Take Care
Bob Oehler