View Full Version : New Grinding Wheel

Richard Madison
01-13-2008, 11:45 PM
Saw an interesting item at friend's house yesterday, previously unmentioned on the forums, farziknow. Diamond impregnated grinding wheel, metal rim on plastic or composite wheel (I think), said to be "perfectly" round and balanced, available in various grits for about $200. No info on source or longevity. Thought that some might be interested. Will post elsewhere also.

robert hainstock
01-14-2008, 10:05 AM
The speed of the grijder, diamiter of the wheel, Manufacturer, etc. Sounds very interesting. We could get a perfect almost polished surface on a tool without having to hone. :):)

Reed Gray
01-14-2008, 11:46 AM
I was told by some one who maked diamond grinding wheels that Diamond is great for carbide, but not for steel, as the steel will clog up the surface. CBN is the material for grinding steel. 8 by 1 inch wheel costs about $300. My 80 grit wheel is over 3 years old, and has worn about 1/3 of the bonded material (3/16 inch thick) away. I figure that I would go through about 2 standard wheels a year.
robo hippy

01-14-2008, 12:57 PM
I Agree With Reed. We Only Used The Wheels For Grinding Carbide Cutters.hss Steel Will Plug Up The Wheel.

Richard Madison
01-15-2008, 8:55 PM
Sorry I did not get more info, but when I heard $200 I sort of lost interest. Am not so sure about the clogging up though. We use diamond hones on various kinds of steel without clogging. And/but admittedly the process (low speed) and surface configuration (all those little holes) are quite different from the wheel that I saw. Was hoping that somebody here knew more about them.

01-16-2008, 9:53 AM
Richard, Look Up Diamond Grinding Weels On The Internet, They Have All The Info You Want. I Am A Ritired Tool And Die Maker, Dicast And Injection Mold Maker. We Made Most Of Are Own Cutters Out Of Carbide. And Used Diamond Grinding Weels To Sharpen Them. The Diamond Weels Used To Sharpen These Would Clog Up If You Tried Sharpening M4 Hss. Or Cobalt Cutters For Cutting Steel.these Cutters Are Harder Than The Lathe Chisels Used For Wood. Diamond Weels Were Made To Replace The Green Carberundem Weels Wich Would Wear Out To Quickly. I Hope This Helps.happy Turning.