View Full Version : Link to faux hollow form please?

John Sheets
01-13-2008, 9:37 AM
Has anyone seen a good web article, tutorial, etc. on making the two-piece, then glued back together, hollow forms? I understand the principle but just don't want to try to reinvent the wheel. I searched the first 15 pages of SMC under hollow forms and did not discover anything.
Thanks in advance,

Tom Sherman
01-13-2008, 12:52 PM
John the ones that pop into my feeble mind right away are Richard Raffin and Joe Ruminsky. Both have videos that demonstrate the process. Check the usual sources (Woodcraft, CraftSupplies, and the like) for Raffin's video and Try Green River woodworkingdotcom for Ruminsky's. Hope this helps.

Richard Madison
01-13-2008, 1:03 PM
There was an article in the AAW journal ("American Woodturner") within the past couple years, but mine are scattered hither (here and there in the house) and yon (the shop), so would be lucky to find the right issue. Anyhow it is easy and fun. I made several from ordinary 2x12 SYP construction lumber, dyed, painted, whatever. Only important detail is which to make first, top or bottom. I forgot, but you have a 50% chance.

Lee DeRaud
01-13-2008, 1:11 PM
There was an article in the AAW journal ("American Woodturner") within the past couple years...Fall 2006 issue, turner's name was Brian McEvoy.

Malcolm Tibbetts
01-13-2008, 2:19 PM
John, most all segmented hollow forms with small top openings are done in at least two pieces. The principles are the same. You can work on both halves at the same time, going back and forth, constantly checking the shape and matching the diameters. I think using two faceplates works better than chucking and re-chucking. As with any wood glue job, make sure you match the grain direction when you join things together.

Dean Baehman
01-14-2008, 9:16 AM
Try this site http://www.turnwood.net/projects_techniques.html#Projects it has quite a few plans etc.

Martin Harris
01-15-2008, 2:18 AM
The 2006 Natioanl Symposium Snapshots (AAW) DVD has a good movie on the process. It may also be on their site.

Bob Hamilton
01-15-2008, 12:08 PM
These aren't deep forms, but the principle would be similar:



Good luck!