View Full Version : Cocobolo color update

Dan Forman
01-11-2008, 3:06 PM
Some of you may remember that about 3 weeks ago or so, I asked whether the orange color of my cocobolo would return in time. After cutting some pen blanks, the rich orange backgound color had disappeared, and the blanks took on a much more subdued brown tone. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l279/T-Caster/P1010721.jpg

Well, as an experiment, I placed one of the blanks in my kitchen window, and left the rest in the basement. The one in the window has now regained about 90% of it's original orange cast, the ones in basement have some, but not as much, maybe 50%. Sorry no "after pics".

Next time, I'll set a freshly cut one in a box, and see what happens with no light at all.


Ben Gastfriend
01-11-2008, 4:03 PM
Neat. I wonder whether you'd have to sand, but not finish the pen barrel and wait for that colour to come back before finishing. Either way, coco's a really winner, and money maker, for that matter.

Bob Hallowell
01-11-2008, 4:30 PM
John if I would of seen your first post I would have told you that yes most cocobolo I have ever used darkens and gets and orange tint to it. finished or not.


Dan Forman
01-11-2008, 6:18 PM
Bob---Here is a link to the original post. There was a fair amount of disagreement about this at the time, which is why I thought a followup would be a good idea. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=72033

Ben---I wondered about finish interfering too, but I have since heard others echo Bob's comment, that change occurs under a finish as well.


Bob Hallowell
01-11-2008, 7:19 PM
Oops, like I said missed the first post. But I have made quite a few cocobolo mills and they all lighten up when fresh wood is exposed and then darken with the orangeish tint over a months time.

I made a pepper mill for my dad for his birthday in september and the matching saltmill for chirstmas. they were both from the same peace of wood. But when he put them together they weren't even close to matching color wise. But now they are getting close and in a few weeks they will match.


Curt Fuller
01-11-2008, 10:19 PM
That's really odd. The only cocobolo I've worked with has been sealed in achorseal but it still looks the same inside as out. I've never had any that appeared lighter when I cut it. But there are always many variables in any type of wood so anything is possible. If I hadn't seen this post I would have guessed the opposite, that the wood would fade over time if exposed to sunlight.