View Full Version : My latest Masterpiece

Steve Campbell
01-11-2008, 1:33 PM
This is my latest bowl. It is White oak. I turned it about a month ago and soaked it in DNA and wrapped it up. Yesterday I opened it up to finish turn it and this is what I found. I'm afraid I don't have enough epoxy to fix this one. There is a lot of wild grain in it and I guess the stress was just too much for it. Oh well they can't all be perfect.

Bob Hallowell
01-11-2008, 1:41 PM
Steve that looks like a great canidate for epoxy with something whether it buy coffee or turquise or such mixed in. I think it would turn out fantastic.

Btw dna works great for me but I have found like you that is the wood already has a imperfections and inclusion they will open up.


Brett Baldwin
01-11-2008, 2:00 PM
All is not lost with that. I can see a very nice piece in it still with a little luck. I don't think I'd fill those gaps if it looked like it would stay together.

Sam Yerardi
01-11-2008, 2:18 PM
It's still a nice job. Maybe an epoxy fill in a contrasting color and re-turn to smooth it out?

Al Wasser
01-11-2008, 2:20 PM
Looks like it should still hold some p-nuts or M&M's if it will hold together enough to finish it.

Steve Schlumpf
01-11-2008, 2:33 PM
Stuff happens! Does look like it would make a great bowl if you are willing to put in the time.

I have roughed out a number of birch hollow forms, DNA soaked and have had a few of them develope cracks. Course, most have knots or sections of pith from a branch or even voids and (to me) that just adds to the personality of the piece!

Have fun with it! Looking forward to seeing your next bowl!

Jim Underwood
01-11-2008, 3:57 PM
I'd definitely be getting some kind of filler glue and turn it anyway. All those cracks just add to the character and interest....

Leave some holes in it and you can call it art!;)

Ben Gastfriend
01-11-2008, 3:59 PM
It looks good! Just call it "art"! Or you could fill it with some inlay and chage hundreds of dollars more for it.

Greg Just
01-11-2008, 4:00 PM
I personally think it is nice the way it is!

Paul Engle
01-11-2008, 4:02 PM
Steve, shore it up and keep goin , it looks promising.

Dan Forman
01-11-2008, 6:41 PM
Wow, that one really had some internal stresses. I'd try to finish it, let the cracks be added features, filled or not.


robert hainstock
01-11-2008, 6:55 PM
tape over the outside of the cracks and voids, set up on its side, and gradually add a decorative epoxie mix to the down hill side. Uncured epoxy is a liquid. I use a four hour setup mixture, and some dollar a container shiny flakes from the local craft store. UYou would need a clear mix of at least twenty mins curing time. make sure to note the formula for the mix for color comsistancy. GOOD LUCK! :eek::eek:
What character and pizzazz the piece has.

laurie sullivan
01-11-2008, 9:31 PM
If you choose to toss it to the wood pile, PM me. I would love to finish what you started. I love a good challenge. It looks like it has great potential.


Bernie Weishapl
01-11-2008, 10:15 PM
I agree. A little epoxy with brass filings from a key store, crushed stone or coffee grounds will do wonders for it. Put tape on the inside and fill one crack at a time if you have to. Let it dry 24 hrs. and give it a go.

Jeffrey Fusaro
01-12-2008, 5:14 PM
if you decide to take everyone's advice, i'd make sure that you are wearing a full-face motorcycle helmet and a flak jacket before you hit the O-N switch.

you might just catch that one in 'chops'.

Steve Campbell
01-12-2008, 7:03 PM
Well, after listening to most of you I guess I'm going to try to fill this piece and finish turn it. It really does have some nice grain in it. I'll post a picture in a few days if it doesn't blow up in my face. Wearing a full face helmet sure sounds like good advice.:)
Just sitting here watching the Packer game. Got to love it.:D
