View Full Version : New Bowl Turning Lathe - Vega 2413B

jim tracy
01-11-2008, 6:49 AM
Vega Enterprises Inc (http://www.vegawoodworking.com/). has a new bench top bowl lathe and it very interesting. Here are the specs:

24" Swing

13" Center to Center

1HP 115 Motor with Reversing

8 Speeds (200-2900 RPM)

1 1/4 x 8 Spindle #2MT

Removable Tailstock #2MT

160 pounds weight
A picture:

I called Vega and they (Randall) stated that the cost would $1295.00 shipped. In my shop I have very little floor space, so having a bench top lathe with a 24 inch swing is looking very good to me. Randall from Vega stated that they have just started demoing this lathe at major woodworking shows. So if anybody has seen the new lathe in person, I would like to your thoughts on it.

Tim Brooks
01-11-2008, 7:24 AM
That looks interesting... It is a good thing it is not a truck! It is an ugly piece of machinery.:eek:

Alex Cam
01-11-2008, 8:03 AM
I like the idea. I don't think a 1HP motor is sufficient for the size blanks that you could chuck up on it, though. With ~10" of leverage I would *think* you'd have to be very judicious with your cuts.

Raymond Overman
01-11-2008, 9:48 AM
If I'm not mistaken, they had a prototype of one of these at the NC Symposium. it was a nice looking machine but I can't say that I saw anything big chucked on it. Bill G was doing the demos there so maybe he can chime in with some more info.

I agree with the 1 HP comment earlier. At far less than 24" pieces you would have to take light cuts not to bog it down. The footprint however is nice.

Jim Becker
01-11-2008, 9:50 AM
Outside of the very low power (fine for platters, but not for large bowls and vessels), it's a very interesting machine. I hope they bring out a VS version of it, however, as even 200 rpm can have a very nasty rim speed on a 20" platter. That said, Vega has a good reputation for quality.

Mike Vickery
01-11-2008, 10:55 AM
Very interesting machine but I am going to have to agree with the other on it being under powered.

For the price point it still seems like quite a good deal, but you have to be aware of the power limitations.
Just my take but for a standard shaped bowl 1HP I think would handle up to about 14 inches okay. For anything over 20 inches I would want 2 HP or more.

Kevin McPeek
01-11-2008, 11:39 AM
While I can see the market they're after but I think they missed it a little. I'm sure they did it so more introductory turners could afford a bowl lathe, but it wouldn't be long before you were mad about stalling it all the time. You'd have to build a heck of a stand for it being its so light or you'll be chasing that around the shop.

Glenn Hodges
01-11-2008, 11:46 AM
Bowl lathe, not for me it could be dangerous. I would caution anyone from getting one that will not go slower than 200, variable would be nice, and I would not buy one with less than 1.5 hp.

Gordon Seto
01-11-2008, 12:04 PM
I am skeptical also. It weights only 160#; I will not be comfortable to chuck up a blank that is as heavy as the lathe. I am afraid too many corners were cut to make this model price competitive (shaving 2" in swing and cutting the price in half than the 26" model). It is better to wait for some long term field test to see how well it holds up. I have not seen this lathe, so take take it for what's worth.

BTW, B Grumbine is an American Beauty lathe guy now.


Bill Stevener
01-11-2008, 12:19 PM
I was always told, if you don't have anything nice to say about someone or something, don't say anything. OK.

Bob Hallowell
01-11-2008, 12:28 PM
BTW, B Grumbine is an American Beauty lathe guy now.


I think he still has his Vega, I turned on it and liked it but it was the full size. I am planning on one in my future as I have a good spindle/16" lathe now.


Tim Brooks
01-11-2008, 12:32 PM
I was always told, if you don't have anything nice to say about someone or something, don't say anything. OK.

Okay, okay... You're right. I'm sorry.

I have always been told, "Don't buy no ugly truck." I thought that might apply to the equipment I put in my shop too. It might just be a southern thing too--I don't know. :D

I have a Jet 1014VS and have been turning for better than a year (mostly pens). I have recently found myself looking to venture into turning bowls and the sort but I am somewhat limited as to what I can do even in these early stages of my learning curve.

I would love to put a powermatic or a bigger jet in my shop. Maybe one day I will...

Gordon Seto
01-11-2008, 1:00 PM
I was always told, if you don't have anything nice to say about someone or something, don't say anything. OK.

I am sorry, I don't know this is a free advertising site. I think a forum like this is supposed to encourage free exchange of ideas.
I stated my reasons for why I was skeptical. I clearly indicated what I said was my opinion and I haven't seen this lathe. I would love to hear other views.
I am a hobbyist, I have no financial tie to any woodturning tools and related products.


Tim Brooks
01-11-2008, 1:03 PM

I am sorry, I don't know this is a free advertising site. I think a forum like this is supposed to encourage free exchange of ideas.
I stated my reasons for why I was skeptical. I clearly indicated what I said was my opinion and I haven't seen this lathe. I would love to hear other views.
I am a hobbyist, I have no financial tie to any woodturning tools and related products.


I thought he was poking at me for saying it was ugly. I dislike the color green.

Kim Ford
01-11-2008, 1:16 PM
My concern is that it appears to be a "niche product". Vega does make a good machine and this appears to be a light weight version of a bowl lathe. The thing that would concern me, other than the hp, would be the ability to do hollow forms. It doesn't look like you could steady rest, or a captured rig on the unit.

However, at that price there could be a market.

Raymond Overman
01-11-2008, 2:54 PM
My concern is that it appears to be a "niche product". Vega does make a good machine and this appears to be a light weight version of a bowl lathe. The thing that would concern me, other than the hp, would be the ability to do hollow forms. It doesn't look like you could steady rest, or a captured rig on the unit.

However, at that price there could be a market.


It is a "bowl lathe" by design. There are limitations but there are advantages in the footprint of the lathe and the larger swing. I would imagine you wouldn't have problems doing conventional hollowing on it but you would have to come up with some kind of homegrown solution for captured hollowing or using a steady rest.

Ben Gastfriend
01-11-2008, 4:05 PM
Yikes, I'm not sure that's what I'd look for in a bowl lathe. The big blanks that you could fit on there might have trouble being driven by only one HP, and the vibrations will probably be murder because of that things little weight.

Mike A. Smith
01-11-2008, 10:01 PM
Guys, I guess I should let Bill speak for himself, but he way I read it he was expressing HIS negative opinion by not saying anything.

Hilel Salomon
01-12-2008, 9:20 AM
Guys, I guess I should let Bill speak for himself, but he way I read it he was expressing HIS negative opinion by not saying anything.

I would love to see Bill's answer. My first reaction to this post was to write exactly what Bill wrote... word for word. Now I'm really curious.

I've had major stalling on machines with 1.5 hp trying on blanks considerably smaller than 24".
Regards, Hilel.

Bill Stevener
01-12-2008, 11:08 AM
I was always told, if you don't have anything nice to say about someone or something, don't say anything. OK.

I was talking strictly about the lathe, I don't have any nice comments about the lathe, I don't think you would like to hear them. Nothing personal hear.

Gordon Seto
01-12-2008, 11:31 AM

Please accept my sincere apology. I misread your comment and I am sorry.


Bill Stevener
01-12-2008, 12:59 PM

Please accept my sincere apology. I misread your comment and I am sorry.


That's OK Gordon, I have senior moments at times. :o

Doug Thompson
01-12-2008, 7:53 PM
I did see this lathe, well the prototype. It was meant to fill the gap between the Jet mini and a full size lathe. This will turn a 12 inch bowl or a larger platter, the lowest speed of 200RPM is better than most. For the small shop it would be fine, make sure it's mounted on a sturdy table

Dennis Peacock
01-12-2008, 9:50 PM
Bill Grumbine does have a Vega Bowl Lathe.....3HP 3Phase and it would put this one to shame.

If this only has a 12" swing and a 1 HP motor? Then your not getting much more than a Jet 1236 that is chopped off and made to be a bowl lathe.

All this and $5 will get you a cup of coffee at the local Starbucks. ;)

Doug Thompson
01-12-2008, 11:08 PM
It does have a 24 inch swing, it's better to have more than you need than less.