View Full Version : Chilean Mesquite Bowl

Mike Vickery
01-11-2008, 1:08 AM
This is a 9 x 2.5 inch bowl made from Chilean Mesquite. The finish is danish oil buffed with all three wheels. The wood was harvested locally with a couple other Creekers.


Comments and critiques are always appreciated.

Bill Bolen
01-11-2008, 1:42 AM
OOOOH! I sure wish that grew up here! Very, very pretty! I really like the flow from rim to foot. The colors are amazing to boot....Bill...

Robert McGowen
01-11-2008, 3:11 AM
Very nice shape Mike. Has a nice even flow to it.

Alex Elias
01-11-2008, 3:53 AM
Very nice bowl. I like the shape and particularly the foot, very descrete. How can it be Chilean mesquite grown in AZ? Wouldn't it just be mesquite?

Dale Gregory
01-11-2008, 7:28 AM
Yummy! Nice shape, very easy on the eyes.


Steve Schlumpf
01-11-2008, 9:06 AM
Great looking bowl Mike! Love the classic form and finish! Also - really like the photography! Nice work on both!

Bernie Weishapl
01-11-2008, 9:37 AM
The bowl is a beauty Mike. The soft finish and flow make it a great bowl.

Jim Becker
01-11-2008, 9:48 AM
Oooh....I like, Mike!

Mike Vickery
01-11-2008, 10:44 AM
How can it be Chilean mesquite grown in AZ? Wouldn't it just be mesquite?

Mesquite is just a genus of tree so saying Mesquite is kind of like just saying Oak. Their are several different types of Mesquite and we have three that are pretty common (velvet, Texas Honey and Chilean)and a couple others that are around but not as common (like screwbean Mesquite).

Most of the mesquite that I get seems to be the velvet mesquite which they also call Native or Arizona Mesquite around here. The Chilean mesquite (Prosopis chilensis) are actually native to South America. Most of the trees around here are planted for landscaping and a lot of them are from Australia, Africa, India and South America.


Mostly I specified the Chilean part because the wood is so much darker then the other Mesquites that I think the people in Texas would think I was crazy saying it was mesquite if I didn't specify.

Kevin McPeek
01-11-2008, 11:45 AM
Another nice one, which is what we've come to expect from you. Not to put any pressure on or anything.

Tom Sherman
01-11-2008, 2:14 PM
Another very nice bowl Mike. Love the wood.

Ben Gastfriend
01-11-2008, 4:08 PM
You southerners and your wonderful mesquite. I'll quoth Jim Becker: "[we don't have any of that] up here in Pennsyltucky". Boy is that the truth. The sapwood/heartwood figure looks great, and so does the finish. I also like the foot. Good call!

Dan Forman
01-11-2008, 6:21 PM
Very elegant!!!
