View Full Version : Question about anchor seal

Wally Wenzel
01-07-2008, 3:51 PM
I know a lot of you have used anchor seal, today is the first time for me so here goes, does the stuff ever set up and get hard so it isn't so messy, is one coat enough for a few months storage or is more better? will it be ok for storage in a unheated shed, it can get 20 below here in south dakota, i am refering to the wood storage here.

Jim Becker
01-07-2008, 4:07 PM
Once it's on the wood, it's fine indefinitely and the temp doesn't matter. Do store the container of Anchorseal where it will not freeze, however. You don't want the liquid material to do that.

Dale Gregory
01-07-2008, 6:31 PM
Our club member sells it by the gallon or 5 gallons. He adds antifreeze (Glycol) to keep it from freezing.


John Cooper2
01-07-2008, 7:03 PM
Where can you get it? I am located in California, Don't have to worry too much about the freezing part.


Dale Gregory
01-07-2008, 10:34 PM
Local Woodcraft stores carry it, or you can buy bulk in large quanties over the net.


Allen Neighbors
01-07-2008, 10:34 PM
Wally, it depends on how wet/green your wood is, as to how long it takes to set up. My green mesquite took 2 or three cold days for it to finally set up where it didn't come off on my hands. I used it today on a piece that wasn't very damp, and it set up in about an hour.
One good coat is fine, if it doesn't run a little, it's not enough, and if it drips off and pools on the floor, it's too heavy. Just don't store it where it will get rained on, the rain will wash it off the wood.
Storing the sealed blanks in an unheated shed is better than a heated one... they won't dry out too fast.
John, I bought online from UC Coatings (google it)... 2 5-gallon cans shipped in to NW Texas cost me $100.00, (don't remember how long ago that was, about 3 years, I think... I'm now down to about 2 gallons left)
Jim, I bought the regular stuff... no antifreeze. I leave mine in my shop which is unheated at night, and has open eaves. I know it has frozen a couple of times these last two winters. The last time, it thawed out, it was thin as water. I used one of those electric drill stirring gizmos for a 5gal can of paint, and it restored it to it's new consistency.

Curt Fuller
01-08-2008, 12:29 AM
Wally, I notice you're in Sioux Falls SD. It's probably a nice balmy single digit temp there during the warm part of the day, so it's going to be pretty slow drying. If you have a spot indoors where you can bring it to dry it usually turns to a nice wax coating in an hour or so at 75 degrees.

Barry Elder
01-08-2008, 4:29 AM
UC Coatings in Buffalo, NY. Sells with antifreeze formulation or without. Ships by UPS in 5 gal. containers. I have seen it advertised on different sites on the 'net for up to 35/40 bucks a gal.

John Cooper2
01-08-2008, 2:16 PM
Found it,

5 gal $74.00 + Shipping.

Hate to buy it a qt/gal at a time, so may have to take the plunge.


Nathan Hawkes
01-08-2008, 2:24 PM
I've bought some that is an off-brand from a logging/chainsaw supply house that is MUCH less expensive, and works exactly the same. I don't know how shipping it will be this time of year as it is cold, and was shipped just as a bucket with a box around it, but its only about $47 plus shipping. Here's a link:


Robert McGowen
01-08-2008, 6:57 PM
I purchased several gallons of Anchorseal from http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1760 (http://www.highlandwoodworking.com) (No affiliation, just satisfied customer.) It is $14.99 per gallon (checked it today) and their shipping is way below cost. I have a daily pickup UPS account and they are less than half price on shipping. They use some sort of sliding scale, so 1 gallon is $6.99 for shipping and 3 gallons are $8.99 for shipping. A deal any way you look at it.

Wally Wenzel
01-08-2008, 8:30 PM
Thanks to all of you for all the info.