View Full Version : Shop Notes Magazine

Charlie Patterson
01-07-2008, 12:27 PM
I am considering adding another Magazine to my monthly stash and want to know what anyone thinks about Shop Notes or is there something else to consider.


David Duke
01-07-2008, 12:58 PM
Charlie, I was a Charter subscriber to SN and took it until about year ago. To me it had gotten to where they were re-hashing old projects or showing designs of things that were really very simple. I think it would really depend on your skill level and what you are interested in.

I also subscribe to WoodSmith and have every issue but to tell you the truth I haven't built a project from it in 2-3 years but I still like reviewing it and seeing the various techniques described and even get ideas from the projects they are showing.

Tom Veatch
01-07-2008, 1:00 PM
If I could subscribe to only two magazines, those two would be WoodSmith and ShopNotes. If only one, I'd probably go insane trying to decide between them.

Dick Sylvan
01-07-2008, 1:30 PM
Well, my two would be FWW and Popular Woodworking.

Lee Koepke
01-07-2008, 1:33 PM
I like Shop Notes.

I guess, depending on the type of woodworking you do ( or like to read about ) would also weigh into that decision.

Shop Notes for me, has some non-complex projects, jigs, and other ideas that help my learning curve.

FWW was nice in that the wood working shown was very impressive and truly FINE woodworking.

Matt Crew
01-07-2008, 1:46 PM
I like Shop Notes because to me it seems to revolve around setting up a shop and reviewing technics.
I don't have alot of expirience so it helps me a bunch.

01-07-2008, 3:43 PM
Shop notes is not bad for a while. You see a lot of interesting stuff in it. The problem I had is that all the stuff started to be the same. They were making incredibly complicated jigs that didn't need to be quite as complex. They were also making stuff with materials cost that seemed more than buying a mfr'ed jig that would probably work better as well. But, I do feel that I learned quite a bit about making jigs and what to use to accomplish adjustability in them from my couple years of subscribing. The other downside is it's only about a 1-2 dookie read. Most of the other mags last almost a week worth.

Dave MacArthur
01-07-2008, 6:44 PM
...it's only about a 1-2 dookie read. Most of the other mags last almost a week worth.
LOL, best laugh so far today. Especially since I went through my WoodWorks tapes yesterday to find a magazine rack DJM made to hang on the wall... so I could put my current magazine issues in the bathroom handy where I do my study.

I really enjoy ShopNotes myself, for all the same reasons stated above. Yes, I find their jigs complex and probably expensive to build... but I just love their drawing, accurate cut sheets, and complex ideas lol. The latest issue has this complicated monstrosity of a "narrow board rip hold down sliding jig a ma bob.." which would truly be a nightmare to emplace and use, but... I just love looking at the novelty of it's complexity~!

Also, they do have IMO the best "reference articles" that you'll look back at often. Such as explaining finishes and charting them out; or types of glues, their differences and uses; or types of wood and common best usage; etc..

Jim Becker
01-07-2008, 7:09 PM
I will agree with both the sentiment that Shop Notes is a well written publication with well designed and easy to understand projects as well as the sentiment that after awhile, like many of the magazines, redundancy creeps in. I used to subscribe but have given it a break unless I see an article of interest...and then I make a newsstand purchase.