View Full Version : Little Delta JT160 jointer fix..

Bill Huber
01-06-2008, 8:45 PM
I don't know if all of these jointers had the same type tables as mine but it was a real pain. They are aluminum and when they were machined they left small circular marks on both tables.
It was just not smooth when running a board through, the board would go though ok but there was just a drag on it.

Well today I fixed it, I had a block of maple about 10 inches long and 2 inches thick. I put sticky back 220 auto grade sandpaper on it and went to work. After about an hour of this I went to 400 and worked on it for about another 1/2 hour.
Cleaned it all off and then waxed it up and now it as smooth as it can be and the wood just glides across like it should.

Why in the world they did it like that I will never know.