View Full Version : Lacewood Mobius

Malcolm Tibbetts
01-06-2008, 12:50 PM
This is another one of my ribbon forms – assembled from bottomless, stave-constructed, bowl components (3 half-bowls and 8 quarter bowls). Approximate dimensions: 8” by 13” by 21” (Fibonacci Series). Finished with General Finishes High Performance water-based satin.

Jim Becker
01-06-2008, 1:35 PM
I saw this on WoW last night, Malcolm, and was blown away. This is an incredibly interesting piece...once again!

Greg Just
01-06-2008, 2:03 PM
Malcom - Cool stuff but you have to explain how you do that!

It is beautiful!

Paul Heely
01-06-2008, 3:14 PM
That is an amazing looking piece Malcom. Any chance there will be a video of how you made this? Would love to see how its actually done.

01-06-2008, 3:27 PM
check out his book, The art of Segmenting. I have it and it's wonderful. It describes how to make th mobius strip pieces, as well as many other things. No finincial interest here, just a satisfied consumer.

Ben Gastfriend
01-06-2008, 3:33 PM
Wow! Malcom, you never fail to amaze me! That is awsome!

Ron Hipp
01-06-2008, 8:57 PM
Amazing Piece.....!!!!

Richard Madison
01-06-2008, 9:03 PM
In addition to what they said, I just gotta ask- did you plan this whole piece in three dimensions before starting, or just wing it?

Bernie Weishapl
01-06-2008, 10:03 PM
Malcom that is amazing. Beautiful.

Steve Mawson
01-06-2008, 10:50 PM
Any idea where this book might be found. Very interesting piece, sure makes me wonder how it came to be.

Tim A. Mitchell
01-06-2008, 10:57 PM
Check the Web site on his profile. Looks like he will send you a signed copy. Now if would only include that piece with it! Looks great.

Brett Baldwin
01-07-2008, 3:46 PM
I've got to think that the glue-up is the hardest part. The simplicity of the piece really is at odds with the amount of work involved. Good stuff all the way around. And around and around and around.:D

jeremy levine
01-07-2008, 3:53 PM
That is really great work. more please...

Dennis Peacock
01-07-2008, 4:07 PM
That's a very nice piece....but it makes my head hurt trying to figure it out. :rolleyes: :D

Jameel Abraham
01-07-2008, 6:00 PM
Really clever. And nice wood too. Thanks for sharing.

Dave Sinkus
01-07-2008, 8:06 PM
I am blown away by the mobius thingy and then the lacewood (is that quarter sawn Sycamore?)

I am a huge fan of lacewood and your piece really accentuates it nicely.

Richard Madison
01-07-2008, 8:50 PM
Got my copy from Amazon.

Joel Sauder
01-07-2008, 9:58 PM
If all the turners I see. I think you are doing the most to take the artform to new levels. I applaud your efforts

Bill Wyko
01-07-2008, 11:19 PM
Very nice Malcolm. I always know when I see a thread started by you, it's going to be good. BTW congradulations on Seggys' Dream. That was a great job for a good cause.:)

Steve Campbell
01-08-2008, 8:40 AM
Wow!!! I'm truly in awe of this . what did you do on edges? I only wish I could see forms like this in my head. It's all I can do to "VISUALIZE" a simple bowl form. Thanks for showing this.
How did the auction for "Seggy" end up?


Malcolm Tibbetts
01-08-2008, 11:08 AM
Thanks everyone for such nice comments.

Richard, a shape like this has to be planned or else it would never come together. But to be honest, once you've done a few, they really aren't that difficult.

Dave, the wood is lacewood from Australia.

Steve, the auction for "Seggy's Dream" generated a donation of $5500 for the American Cancer Society (in memory of Joe Long). It far exceeded my expectations.

The edges are painted black with acrylic paint.

Andy Livingston
01-08-2008, 12:51 PM
Of course you realize, that's totally impossible! I have the book. I understand the concept. Doesn't matter. Still impossible!
I'm continually amazed!!!

Paul Engle
01-08-2008, 2:48 PM
Ah ... , and the bar just keeps getting further and further and further away..Very nice Malcolm, very nice indeed.