View Full Version : Update on Nova G3

Dave Stoler
01-06-2008, 7:50 AM
My on going saga with my G3 took a good turn.:rolleyes: I decided to try a recess instead of a tenon.When I flipped the bowl with the recess ,Viola!, it spun perfectly true!
Now to put together a "donut chuck" or sometimes called a "compression chuck" to finish the bottom. Very satisfying to make progress.
As a side note I joined a local turning group and met a great group of guys,( even a couple that post here).

Brett Baldwin
01-07-2008, 3:57 PM
Always satisfying to find the solution to a problem like that. Be careful not to overtighten the chuck when mounting. The wood has a good chance of splitting open. DAMHIKT:rolleyes:

Ben Gastfriend
01-07-2008, 4:00 PM
I have to second what Brett said. I did that yesterday, too thin of wood around the recess, too much pressure on the chuck, curlies fly off gouge, crack, flying saucer, a bunch of pieces of a platter all over the place. Great.

Glad you could make it work, but I'm sticking with tenons!:D

Dave Stoler
01-07-2008, 5:09 PM
It spun so true !! ... I,ll heed your warning and be careful...
The maple I just turned was so hard it was unreal.I had been lulled into a false sense of sanding euphoria with magnolia,pecan and hackberry..The maple was a reality check.

Richard Madison
01-07-2008, 9:36 PM
Have seen others post that the recess is good for fairly flat forms where there is a lot of wood around the recess. And a tenon is better for pieces that curve smartly up from the bottom, leaving relatively little wood to support the expansion force of a chuck in a recess. Have split at least one piece tightening chuck into recess, and usually do a tenon when in doubt.

Gordon Seto
01-07-2008, 9:44 PM

Nice to meet you at the meeting.
If the chuck runs true in recess, there is no reason that it won't when used as tenon. When you use the chuck to hold spindles, most of the time you don't have excess wood to cut a recess. I think it has to do with how you cut the tenon.


Dave Stoler
01-08-2008, 7:56 AM
Looking at the chuck I believe my first tenon was way too large, which let the bottom of the tenon over run the taper of the chuck.Next attempt will be a shallow tenon(around 3/16) deep.
Your demonstration was impressive Gordon,Very nice meeting you also.

Brett Baldwin
01-08-2008, 3:22 PM
Too deep a tenon would definately be bad. You want the shoulder of the tenon (the bottom of the piece) to sit flush against the chuck's jaws.

Bill Noce
01-08-2008, 8:41 PM

Nice to have meet you also......nice to put a face with the names you see on a forum.
