View Full Version : My first TS setup; can't get the wings flat

Wade Lippman
01-05-2008, 1:05 PM
I got a Grizzly G1023SL yesterday.
I put the wings on and lined them up to the table. The front right and rear left corners were twisted down. The manual says to shim with masking tape if the whole wing goes up or down, but doesn't mention one corner. I figured I would shim it at the offending corners with masking tape.

The rear left was only off a bit and I was able to "fix" it with two pieces of masking tape.

The front right was off by about .100" to start with; with 8 pieces of masking tape I reduced it to about .015", but there is an appreciable gap between the table and the wing.

There was no change with the 7th and 8th pieces, so I don't think I can eliminate the slope with this method.

What do you suggest? I have an email into Grizzly, but expect them to tell me it is nothing to worry about.

This is my first TS setup. Is stuff like this normal; or do I have defective wings?

Mike Marcade
01-05-2008, 1:14 PM
.100" is too much to shim in my opinion. I would contact grizzly about replacing your warped wing.

Mark Engel
01-05-2008, 1:21 PM
The wings on my 1023Z were almost dead on when I got my saw several years ago. Very little shimming was needed to get them perfectly aligned. It sounds to me like you have received defective parts and they should be replaced.

I would wait to here from Grizzly. Their customer service is supposed to be very good.

Mike Marcade
01-05-2008, 1:22 PM
I can vouch for Grizzly's customer service. They are second to none. :)

Eric Mims
01-05-2008, 1:36 PM
did you double check the mating edges of the wing and table to see if there were burrs, paint, or anything else that might be keeping the wing from mating perfectly?

glenn bradley
01-05-2008, 1:57 PM
I use foil tape but your variance is greater than I would accept. I expect Griz will send you new wings.

Wade Lippman
01-05-2008, 3:39 PM
did you double check the mating edges of the wing and table to see if there were burrs, paint, or anything else that might be keeping the wing from mating perfectly?

I thought so, but just to be sure I pulled them off and scrubbed them.
The not too bad one has a 0.030" twist to it without shims. With shims I got it to 0.010"

The other one was rather different. I sent the picture to Grizzly. Hopefully they will get me some replacements quickly.

Jim O'Dell
01-13-2008, 2:03 PM
That is truely strange!! Definately looks drilled and filled. :eek:
Shiraz and Grizzly will make it right. Congrats on the saw by the way. If I get new, that is probably what I'll end up with. Hopefully by this time next year. Though I keep looking for a deal on a used cab saw locally, I haven't seen much. Jim.

Jim Solomon
01-13-2008, 3:54 PM
Wade, I hope you do not mind me highjacking your thread. If so apologize and will delete this. Since this subject was brought up I have a question about how to shim. If the extension is put on and there is a belly in the middle but the ends are flush am I correct to assume shimming won't fix this? Shimming is for gaps correct? Or maybe I am completely wrong on both accounts.An analogy of what I am poorly trying to ask is; if you edge join two boards and the ends are flush but the middle sags down about .002, shimming won't correct this, right? Sometimes my grey hair syndrome kicks in big time:o

Looking at your table Wade I am now leary of overtighting mine to try and correct. My saw is 20yrs. old, never used but out of warranty:rolleyes:

Joe Chritz
01-13-2008, 4:16 PM
For extension wings the shims are at the bottom to raise the outside ends parallel to the table top.

If the extension isn't flat (which is the only way to have the ends flush but not the middle) then the only thing that will fix it is a surface grinder.


Jim Solomon
01-13-2008, 4:35 PM
For extension wings the shims are at the bottom to raise the outside ends parallel to the table top.

If the extension isn't flat (which is the only way to have the ends flush but not the middle) then the only thing that will fix it is a surface grinder.

Thanks Joe. that is what I figured. My buddy works is a machinist I'll give it to him to flaten for me. Whats amazing is when I got the saw I also got a Delta DJ 20(loooong bed) and the tables where flat. I purchased a Lee Valley 50" aluminum straightedge and the long feeler guages. Nowhere could I slip the .002 guage under and only one place on the fence I slipped the .0015 under. That was longways diagonally and up/down on the fence. Wish I could have said the same for the PM's ext. table.