View Full Version : what did i do wrong

Tony Wheeler
01-04-2008, 9:33 PM
I wanted this flatter and not so much like a bowl guess I should have started with a longer piece of limb and cut more of the bottom side away for the tenion to make it flatter and not so much bowled. How do yall make a natural edge (platter) dish along these lines. Its mulberry 4 inches long and 3 inches high with the locust thorns.

Jason Christenson
01-04-2008, 9:48 PM
Whatever you did wrong, I wish I could do it! I like it. Did you turn it oriented like a spindle? I'm looking at it on my phone and it's hard to tell.


Bill Wyko
01-04-2008, 9:55 PM
Will you quit screwing up like that. Now send that to me right away so I can dispose of it properly. :D(on display in my home proudly) JK That's a beautiful piece. The leg idea is quite creative. Keep on doin whatcha doin.:)

Ken Fitzgerald
01-04-2008, 10:20 PM
Tony.....nice piece!

Bernie Weishapl
01-04-2008, 10:22 PM
Don't know what ya did wrong Tony but that is a beautiful piece. Well done.

Tony Wheeler
01-05-2008, 12:11 AM
thanks for all the kind words but it is not what I was tring to do it may be the pic that is deceiving it is like a natural edge bowl I have seen other pic on the net that they seem to be more flat like a platter with only up turn on the ends I think that I started with to short of a piece maybe or I need to remove a lot more stock from the bottom or tenion side and then maybe getting platter like piece jason it was turned between center I centered the limb between centers and then cut a tenion then mounted in a chuck.

Ben Gastfriend
01-05-2008, 7:26 AM
It's a beautiful piece, I wish I could do that, but, if you want something less deep, but still with a NE, I'd just remove more of the stock below the bark. Then mount it, cut a tenon, and you'll have a shallower bowl/platter.

Paul Heely
01-05-2008, 7:54 AM
If I understand you want something with a flatter natural edge and not as much of a dip between the ends and the sides of the edge? If so then you can start with a piece of wood much larger in diameter than what you need an cut out a relatively small blank for that size log. Picture below may help explain what I'm thinking. Other choice is find a piece of log that has a flat section on it.

robert hainstock
01-05-2008, 8:40 AM
My Impression of the natural edge platters that I have seen posted os that they are more cross sectioinal of the log. It would seem dificult to get a flat sutface effect out of a piece of woodthat is longitudl cut what with the curvature of the log. Since I haven"t been able to come anywhere near the finised product you have there, I too would be happy to take that very nice piece of work off your hands. :D:D

David Epperson
01-05-2008, 10:05 AM
I would think you would have to start out with a "limb" that had an elbow in it, or some sort of fairly radical curve.

Tony Wheeler
01-05-2008, 10:17 AM
thanks guys Paul I think your pic is on track now that I have sleep on it at a holiday Inn taking alot more off the bottom side or tenion side and the flatness will be dicated by how thick the sap wood that being if you don't want a lot of sap wood in the piece well out to the pile and try again thanks again for all the input

Dennis Peacock
01-05-2008, 10:49 AM
Will you quit screwing up like that. Now send that to me right away so I can dispose of it properly. :D(on display in my home proudly) JK That's a beautiful piece. The leg idea is quite creative. Keep on doin whatcha doin.:)

I agree..!!!!!!! PM me for my address. ;) :D

Tom Sherman
01-06-2008, 9:40 AM
Tony sometimes it is best to follow what the wood wants to show. I think you did fine on this bowl.

Jim Becker
01-06-2008, 9:46 AM
What Paul said relative to the stock to turn a shallow NE piece.

That said, outstanding work!