View Full Version : Replacing velcro on 2" sanding disc

Alan Tolchinsky
01-03-2008, 12:07 AM
I have one of those velcro sanding pads that goes into a drill for power sanding. The velcro is wearing and I have an extra velcro pad but how do you put it on? Glue it or what? Thanks

Terry Quiram
01-03-2008, 6:50 AM

Take the worn out pad to the belt sander and remove all the hooks. Get a can of 3M spray adhesive (the permanant kind) and following the instructions on the can glue your new piece to the old piece.


robert hainstock
01-03-2008, 7:48 AM
Youc might try to peel off the old velcro first. My orbital sander had the pad PSA'd on. Try a small area first. :)

Alan Tolchinsky
01-03-2008, 9:23 AM
Thanks guys but what's "PSA'd" ?

Jerry Pittman
01-03-2008, 9:27 AM
pressure sensitive adhesive
good luck, I have a worn out one too so I'll be interestged to see how it goes

Paul Engle
01-03-2008, 9:51 AM
I found that if it gets too hot the sticky didnt stick so I glue mine with CA medium and works fine, I use old mouse pads and make up two or three for the main grits I use and extras.I get the 2 inch velcro at benfranklins craft store, they have psa on them but i still use CA.

Allen Neighbors
01-03-2008, 10:18 AM
I get the industrial duty velcro at WallyWorld. Then I use contact cement... the type that is used for formica laminates. Once it's in place, I clamp it with a piece of T-shirt between a little block of wood and the velcro (just so I don't squash the hooks?). It always works for me, and has never come loose.

Alan Tolchinsky
01-03-2008, 3:30 PM
Thanks guys, there are some good ideas for me to try here. Alan

Richard Madison
01-03-2008, 9:08 PM
Might check out Steve's site (www.turningwood.com (http://www.turningwood.com)). I think he has a "tutorial" there. Saw it somewhere.