View Full Version : SMC meetup at Timonium w/w show Saturday?

Jack Ganssle
01-02-2008, 8:13 PM

Anyone interested in a no doubt over-priced, greasy lunch meetup at the Timonium, MD woodworking show Saturday? We can make up stories about our 5000 sq ft shops and 105" drum sanders.


Rick Moyer
01-02-2008, 8:27 PM
I was thinking we could all go to dinner at Michael's and you could buy!:D

Seriously though, I don't think I want to drive three hours to the show, but Michael's has great food if you go (exit 16 off rt 83),
No affiliation, I've just eaten there a few times and liked it.

David Tiell
01-02-2008, 8:54 PM
IF I go, it will be on Sunday. Saturday would be too dangerous, as it's my b-day, and I would use that to justify spending WAY too much money. But I really don't feel like driving the 2+ hours to get there just to save shipping on several things I really don't need anyway.

Ed Kilburn
01-02-2008, 9:20 PM
Anyone in the Allentown Philly area looking at going drop me a line, maybe we could ride together and split the cost of the liquid gold.

George Morris
01-02-2008, 9:54 PM
How far is it from Philly? I may be intrested? George

Jack Ganssle
01-03-2008, 8:34 AM

maps.google.com says it's about 100 miles from Phily.
