View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments...New Years Eve Edition

Dennis Peacock
12-31-2007, 9:35 AM
31 Dec 2007

To all my woodworking friends and family....I wish to bestowe upon each of you a very Happy and Successful New Year of 2008.

I've been trying to get some bed-side tables (nightstands) made and finished for my boys room. We finally took the bunkbeds down and now all 3 boys have they "own space" in their room, complete with clamp-on lamps so they can read at night in their own bed without disturbing the entire population. I should have the last nightstand finished today and put in place for my oldest son by tonight.

I've started milling all this black walnut for my neighbors kitchen table project, but since it's been the holidays, I have spent as much of every day with my family. I am truly blessed to have the family I have...both at home and on the internet.

Tonight??? Well, we have a family tradition that we stick to for every New Years Eve....everyone in the house gets to pick what "junk food" they want and it gets fixed for the nights festivities, we watch movies, play games, and eat junk food until we are all ready for bed. The kids are all excited as this is the only time of year where we get to eat junk food of this type. The rest of the year we do our best to eat and live as healthy as we can.

With a New Years wish to each of you....what did YOU do this weekend??

Happy holidays to you and best of New Years to ya!!!!

Rod Torgeson
12-31-2007, 10:00 AM
Happy New Year to you and your family Dennis. Saturday I spent some time doing snow removal. That evening I went over to one of the neighbors that had a get together for a few people. That evening when I left there was about 3 to 4 inches of snow on the truck. By the next morning there was over a foot of new snow on the ground. So yesterday I spent doing some more snow removal. Running out of places to put it. With all this time spent doing snow removal, there has been little time in the shop. Attached is a picture of the shop area. You can barely see the tops of the two windows.

Rod<---in Appleton, WA

Joe Mioux
12-31-2007, 10:04 AM
Happy News Dennis and SMC'rs

worked the weekend, but I did manage to turn over a heavy table top that needs some sanding and scraping. Started it but quit after 10 minutes.

Tonight we are supposed to visit some friends in St Peters MO. From Carlyle that is about a 75 mile drive.

I don't really want to make the trip due to my mom's instabilities. We will see.


Jim O'Dell
12-31-2007, 10:05 AM
Happy New Year Dennis, and ditto to veryone here at the Creek!
I'm working today, not sure if we get off early or not, with emphasis on the not. :rolleyes: Need to get another coat of Waterlox on the router table cabinet after work. Hopefully it won't be too cold tomorrow to do another coat. Need to start deciding/designing the next mobile base for the multipurpose wall. Jim.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-31-2007, 10:28 AM
Happy New Year to everyone at the Creek!

Saturday I unloaded my pickup which had a ton of maple burl in it from last spring. Then I hauled away some trash....crate from the new b/s and crate from the new lathe.

Saturday afternoon, we had our family Christmas dinner with oldest son, wife and her parents, our granddaughter and spouse and our 17 month old great-granddaughter. She was the obvious star of the show!

Sunday, I was going to do some turning. I spent the morning and part of the afternoon sharpening the 2 new Alan Lacer skews I bought in June and then sharpening and reshaping my bowl gouge. Then the phone started ringing and friends started dropping by.....I did get a wet blank mounted on the faceplate but that's as far as I got...

Dennis.....Yup....nothing of more value than a man's family!

Happy New Year All!

Greg Cole
12-31-2007, 10:31 AM
Happy New Years to all & best wishes in 08. May the New Year find everyone healthy, happy & safe.
After the pink "manicure" I gave myself on my jointer 2 weeks ago, I've managed to get back in to the shop all last week and have about 75% of a mahogany hall table done for my big sis as a belated Christmas gift.
Figured out how to hand mortise without a chisel (thread in the Neader Cave on it) since the mallet blows to the boo boo hand holding a chisel were NOT good.:rolleyes:
I came to work today to be told by the boss that he gave everyone but himself the day off. I was on vacation all week so nobody thought to tell me.... good thing my work is 10 minutes from home!
So... back to the shop for glue up of the base and work on the bread boards ends for the top.
Also have 2 standing "orders" for coffee (err beer & foot tables) for 2 close friends that I might start stock prep on today too (depends on who's home to hear the planer whine thru 10" walnut :D).
you can send some of that snow this way, my little dude at 6 can't get enough of it & here in Kansas City we get ice and ice and maybe a little snow.



Gary Keedwell
12-31-2007, 10:34 AM
Dennis...Happy New Year to you and everybody here at the Creek. I have been working on my Morris chair. I've been smelling the aroma of QSWO every where I go. It has it's own personality.
Tonite LOML and me are walking next door to a little get-together. No driving for us but were both on the wagon anyways.;)

Al Killian
12-31-2007, 12:00 PM
I have been working on the new shop. I still have 9 windows to replace, I saved some older double pane window(minus frames) and useing them. The old windows(whats left) are from around 1900. Hopefuly I will be able to get some heat in there next week.

Steve Clardy
12-31-2007, 12:06 PM
Worked on a set of white oak kitchen cabinets

Jim Becker
12-31-2007, 12:58 PM
I've been fortunate to have been in the shop a lot over the last week and a half and actually took the weekend "off" for other things. Saturday, I was working with the stair guy who started the new railings; after he got the new newels in, I followed behind restoring the 5 1/2" wide nosing across the loft library landing...and thanks to any number of Festool products, the job went very well. That night we all watched Oceans 12. Sunday, well...I got started cleaning my desk. It was in need of a major overhaul...and I still have a ways to go after I do some year-end paperwork for work. I'll be back in the shop tomorrow, however, working on the purpleheart and figured maple nightstands after ringing in the New Year tonight including celebrating Novagod (Новый год) with the girlie-girls...another opportunity for presents... :)

Matt Meiser
12-31-2007, 1:50 PM
The only woodworking related activity for me this past weekend was trying out a new blade that Brian Gumper from Holbren sent me and picking up a second Festool rail today. We are supposed to get a major snow tonight, so tomorrow I plan to stay home all day and get started on my parents' cabinetry. Tonight we are headed to some friends' for a kid-friendly New Year party where we are going to ring in the new year about 8:00 so that the kiddies can get to bed at a decent time, and the adults can get home before the idiots start driving.

George Bregar
12-31-2007, 2:12 PM
Was going to run back north to tear out all the copper pipes and finish demo of the walls of my cottage, but instead am going to sit around and watch some football. Probably head up Wednesday. :(

Karl Laustrup
12-31-2007, 3:55 PM
Happy New Year Dennis and all you other miscreants out there. ;):D

We just returned from the northwoods where we celebrated Christmas with our youngest son and the grand kids. Had a good time, but as always, "There's no place like home".

Just going to vegetate tonight. I'll celebrate the "New Year" tomorrow.


12-31-2007, 3:59 PM
I got to spend a significant part of Sunday in the shop finally putting together a bench that has been a couple years in the making. I attached the face vice, mated the top to the base and flattened the top. The Bailey Block top I used was waaaay out of flat, so there were lots of plane shavings on the floor when my 4.5 year old came in for a visit. He immediately grabbed a broom, which led to a pretty good shop cleaning. He was actually helpful manning the dustpan and scooping heaping panfulls into the trash. The bench still needs some dog holes and a tail vice mounted, but thats the most productivity that thing has seen in over a year. With the wood milled, the tail vice should go on pretty quick in the next couple weeks.

glenn bradley
12-31-2007, 4:01 PM
Got the trim around the side door which is on the 'new' wall. Working on some clamp racks as I got more clamps for Xmas and need more hangers.

Terry Quiram
12-31-2007, 5:05 PM
My biggest accomplishment over the holidays was to make this sweetie pie happy.

chris yount
12-31-2007, 7:49 PM
Here's wishing everyone a happy and prosperous New Year.It was raining buckets here in the South all weekend and we are very thankful for it.Before the rain we were on pace for driest year on record.
I finally got back to work on plantation shutters today.I milled about 200' louvre stock and routed the edges. I'll be glad when this projects done.I'm ready to move on to something with a lot fewer parts.

Brent Grooms
12-31-2007, 9:26 PM
Well the wife and I had our usual new years eve dinner of grilled shrimp and a small steak, a bottle of wine... as for the woodworking related... see...http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=72629

Tom Kelley
12-31-2007, 9:35 PM
Worked on my new workbench Dennis. But I ran short of wood so everything ground to a halt. Maybe my New Years resolution should be to "calculate twice...buy once!"
Have a Happy New Year!

Art Mulder
12-31-2007, 10:08 PM
.everyone in the house gets to pick what "junk food" they want and it gets fixed for the nights festivities, we watch movies, play games, and eat junk food until we are all ready for bed.


I am NOT going to tell my kids that one...

The only think woodworking today was that I quickly bashed out a butt-jointed pinned-together box out of surplus 1/4" Baltic Birch to hold a game. Hardly exciting, but it was a pleasant 30 minutes in the shop. It was a sort of "speed-woodworking" but I enjoyed it anyways.

Tonight we took the kids 5-pin bumper bowling (and for the first time in my life I scored three strikes in a row :D) and then popped downtown just in time to catch the 9pm "kids midnight" countdown and fireworks. And they're now all settling down into bed, and I'm glad I popped in here to sign up for Keith's surprise last minute freestuff drawings!

Best wishes to all for the new year.