View Full Version : Mini Birds for Birdhouse Ornaments

Dean Thomas
12-27-2007, 6:53 PM
Christmas time has come and gone, but folks have seen the ornaments and are asking for more. That's a nice thing. But they all want them with the little birdies on them and I can't find a source for the ones that I used. I'm sure that I bought them at CSUSA, but they don't show up on their site, or I can't find 'em. Plus a few folks are asking specifically about cardinals. Imagine that.

The ones that I had are labeled "Heartland Crafts" with a website for CraftsEtc.com which is the catalog site for Hobby Lobby. They don't show this item either. The empty card that I have contained 12 "Mini Birds" which were about 3/4" long with an item #746487. I seem to have lost the card of cardinals that I'm pretty sure that I had, so I have no idea what the number or descriptor is for those.

I've checked with Hobby Lobby and with Michael's. No good. Nothing they have in their catalog or on their shelves at this point. I paid $2 for the 12. CSUSA wants $4 for 6 (!!) for either cardinals or a mix of birdies.

Anyone else have resources for these little charmers? Any help would be appreciated.

Sue Wise
12-27-2007, 6:59 PM
You can find them here:

http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/store/Projects___Christmas_Ornaments___Miniature_Birds__ _mini_birds?Args=

Dean Thomas
12-27-2007, 7:05 PM
Those are the very ones I mention in my post that are 6 to the pack for twice the money. Looking for the 12 to the pack birds for $2, not $4, if I can find them. Thanks, though. Continuing to look. The other source also had cardinals at 6 for $2.

Bernie Weishapl
12-27-2007, 7:07 PM
Dean go to Michael's Craft store. I get mine there and you can get them in different sizes. Can't remember the prices but there are two per package with some that have 4 per package and they have different species in each package.

David Wilhelm
12-27-2007, 7:11 PM
Dean i was looking on ebay for blue birds and found a box or boxes of 3/4" cardinals couple days ago. dont rember the seller but i think it was a buy it now for 3.50 and 1.50 shipping. Only thing is i think these birds were sitting they may not have feet. if you can't find them hollar and i'll see if i can track them down again. ...Will

Dean Thomas
12-27-2007, 7:42 PM
That's seems to be what I'm looking for. I could not find it on eBay, so if you could, I'd be thrilled.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-27-2007, 7:46 PM
Dean.....I go mine at Michaels Crafts. The large cardinals were about 2 / $1.99 IIRc. The smaller ones were 5 for $2.00 IIRC.

Dean Thomas
12-27-2007, 8:07 PM
David, I did find them and I think they'll work really well.

Ken, was just AT Michaels and the ones they had were way too big and way too much money. Looked on their website and they only show there what's at my local Michael's stores (yes, plural; I've been a busy little shopper today, pant, pant, pant). What I bought once can be seen at THIS LINK (http://www.craftsetc.com/store/item.aspx?ItemId=47301&dep=50&cat=14&subcat=30&Search=Y). And I'd be happy to have more of them at 12 for $2. And the cardinals that David found can be seen at THIS OTHER LINK (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180182818980&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008). Again, price is darned good, and the size is right and Lord knows the price is darned good as well. Unless I hear from my last other best hope (a contact at CraftsEtc.com) I'm going eBaying! ;)

Thanks, all.

David Wilhelm
12-27-2007, 9:19 PM
Dean are you going to or can you still order from the link with the 12 for $1.99? What size are your birdhouse ornaments you mount them on? I looked again at the Ebay redbirds. Are they hollow with open bottoms? I may have to make my houses a lil bit bigger maybe.......

Bobby Perry
12-27-2007, 9:23 PM
I get mine at Hobby Lobby in small bags. Not in the same area that the carded ones are in. These are in the crafts section.

Dean Thomas
12-27-2007, 9:29 PM
Hey David,

Don't know if they are still available. They are not in the catalog, but I happened to have the card with the SKU on it which still shows up. I've got an inquiry into them to see if they are available. And i don't know if the birds are hollow bottom or not.

My birdhouse dimensions are something like this:

bottom is about 1-3/8" wide at the fattest and 1-5/8" long from bottom of the bowl to the top of the maple
lid is about 2x2
hole in body of house is 1/4"Dimensions vary slightly depending on "design opportunities". Picture attached for reference. Birds NOT attached for reference, sadly. Ran out of birds. :(

edit: Went back to the CraftsEtc site using Bobby's info as a clue. Sure enough, under crafts, my 12 per card are still there. I'll be visiting them on Monday and getting a few cards. I'll also contact the woman on eBay and see what those little guys are like.

And CraftsEtc also has cardinals but they are 1" long, not 3/4". Big difference at that scale. Still looking...

Good info, folks.

John Terefenko
12-27-2007, 10:11 PM


Craft Supplies still has them but not for your price. I get my birdies here.

Jim Underwood
12-28-2007, 5:59 PM
Hobby Lobby
Craft Supplies

I imagine at this time of year that the supplies are depleted since we all buy them for mini bird houses.