View Full Version : Coffee table for Christmas

mike wacker
12-25-2007, 4:29 PM
Ah the joys of Christmas, woodworking and little helpers. Well, I finished my first real piece of furniture as a Christmas present for LOML. Well, sorta finished. It got put together and under the tree with no "finish" on it.

Now the fun part and the humor. My 11 year old ( the last of our four and suddenly the only one at home) has been spending alot of time with me in the shop. Now that the three older ones are all in college I find more time to be down there. He want's to do everything but has a healthy respect for whirling carbide thinks sanding is like watching grass grow. Pretty typical I say for that age.

So while "designing" this pseudo Mission style/try to make it look like the Ethan Allen stuff already in the living room, I ask the youngster, "How tall should it be?". So he got out the Steel tape, measured the existing table, the couch, etc. and decided 21" would be good. So when presenting the Christmas present, Mother's first words were, "That's a big end table."

It's all good stuff. I hadn't glued anything yet. It's all held together with Pocket screws. I'll take it back apart, save the gluded up top and self, make new shorter end leg panels and get a more reasonable height. Then I'll use the Existing one and make an end table. See its all good.

Merry Christmas every one!

Rick Gifford
12-25-2007, 8:09 PM
Thats great your son is interested in your workings. Congrats on having a little helper around!

Does he get to work on the project too? I don't blame him about the sanding... I hate it too! :rolleyes: lol

mike wacker
12-26-2007, 7:58 PM
He gets to do anything he feels up to doing. Fortunately, he is still pretty respectful of spinning steel. Real soon now we are going to build HIS night stand so that will be pretty fun.