View Full Version : The kind of gloat we all want.

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-25-2007, 1:14 PM
Some of you might remember that about two years ago, I agreed to do a piece of flat/ turning for my daughter-in-law. A Cradle! My son Eric and his wife Sandi have beeen trying to adopt for 4 years. (Sandi had cancer at 28 and can't have her own)

Well, this past Saturday, Santa and the Stork got together and delivered a bundle of beauty and love. She's 6 weeks old, weighs 9" and fits perfectly between the crook in my Elbow and hand.

May I Present:

Kinsey Taylor Shiverdecker:D:D:D


Here is the Cradle - Not my best work, but it has some features that I like.

It is 100% wood. No metal anywhere. The pivots are threaded dowel. The end panels, since I couldn't get the curly Maple wide enough, is book matched and the framing is built like cabinet door. I turned the spindles out of Curly Maple. The framing, legs, etc. are from Curly Walnut. Hard to see in the picture. By taking out two slide pins and the three threaded bolts out, it dis-assembles. Finished with several coats of Garnet Shellac with a little Cordovan Trans Tint dye.





The Mattress, Bumber Pads, and Quilt were made by my wife Barbara.

We are Bustin' at the seams right now. There can't be a better Christmas Present. However, I ask that you keep us in your thoughts. There are still some legal aspects that could kill it, and we could still lose her.

Thanks for reading and looking.


robert hainstock
12-25-2007, 1:37 PM
Congrats and will keep the lgal thing in my prayers, Bruce. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Greg Just
12-25-2007, 2:15 PM

Congrats on the addition to the family and the cradle is beautiful. We adopted my son 9 1/2 years ago as a newborn, in fact we were in the delivery room! The first week was scary from a legal stand point, but it all worked out well! We were living in NJ at the time and after 6 months the adoption was finalized and we celebrate Adoption Day every December 10th.

Good luck and Merry Christmas,


Steve Schlumpf
12-25-2007, 2:28 PM
I am extremely happy for you Bruce! I hope all works out for you with the legal matters! Beautiful cradle, excellent work! This is one of the best gloats I've ever come across! Congrats Grandpa!

Pete Jordan
12-25-2007, 3:18 PM
Great work!

Good luck with the legal battles!

Jim Becker
12-25-2007, 4:07 PM
VERY nice gloat!!! Congratulations to all!

Dan Forman
12-25-2007, 4:19 PM
Bruce---Looks like a lot of work and a lot of love went into that cradle, it's beautiful. Hope all of the legal matters work out, adoption can be a stressful process to go through.


Jackie Outten
12-25-2007, 4:27 PM
Congratulations Grandpa. She's a beautiful little girl.

Glenn Clabo
12-25-2007, 5:35 PM
This is in NO way a comment on your woodworking ability...but you could put that sweet child in a bent tin bucket and she would be Bee-tee-full!

p.s. Ya... that is some fine work on the cradle.;)

Matt Meiser
12-25-2007, 6:13 PM
Congratulations on the grandaughter and the cradle.

Gary Herrmann
12-25-2007, 6:41 PM
Best gloat there is. Congratulations.

Steve Campbell
12-25-2007, 6:44 PM
Bruce this really is the season of love. Your cradle sure shows that. Good luck on the legal front.
Merry Christmas. Steve

Rick Gifford
12-25-2007, 7:11 PM
Wow she's a beauitiful baby! I think the cradle looks good as it is. I wish you all the best on the legal issues.

Looks like she'll be well loved for sure!

Ben Gastfriend
12-25-2007, 8:20 PM
Congratulations on the new addition to your family, the cradle looks great, and I hope the legal thing works out.

Bernie Weishapl
12-25-2007, 9:05 PM
Congrats grandpa. What a lovely looking family. Cradle looks beautiful Bruce.

Dave Ray
12-25-2007, 9:06 PM
Great looking cradle built with love. Beautiful baby born to love. The very best of gloats, good luck with all the legal stuff. Merry Christmas.

Bruce Shiverdecker
12-25-2007, 10:23 PM
Thanks all. I just spent Christmas with her. Got to feed her today and she just gobbled it up. Spit up on mommy and Grandma, BUT NOT POPOP! I guess she liked my humming better.


Tom Sherman
12-26-2007, 9:50 AM
Congratulations Bruce and family. Very cool.

12-26-2007, 9:54 AM
Prayers are being sent. We know from experience around here, the legal issues to deal with. We will be praying until I hear about resolution! Hope all goes well.

Nice cradle too.

Paul Engle
12-26-2007, 2:54 PM
Bruce ...forget the cradle , the looooookk on your son and daughters faces tells it all. I know ,,, 21 yrs ago the LOML and I adopted a sister and brother ( too my three girls) , I now have two grandsons and one granddaughter. It does not GET, repeat DOES NOT GET any better than those beaming faces !!!May Gods grace be with you all and HAPPY NEW YEAR ..... YEA!!!