View Full Version : Tuning up compound miter saw question

Randy Redding
12-24-2007, 5:23 PM
I have a Dewalt DW-705 CMS that I've owned for many years. I've used it quite a bit for construction and house renovation projects. It has been invaluable for that. Today, I was trying to tune it up so it actually cuts square, etc. The problem is that it has been off a bit for a long time and the cut-off angle clamp knob screw has warn divits into the metal at 90.x, 45.x and various other angles. So, I can align the angle guide but if I tighten the clamp knob, the angle gets pulled off by a small amount due to the clamp moving into the divit. That was OK for 2x4's but not for what I'm doing now. The clamp screw has a bull nose and the divits are about 1/32" or so deep. So...Two questions.

I was thinking about dremel-grinding the divits into longer ovals so I can solve the problem. Should I do that?

Is there a better CMS or SCMS for finer wood working? You know...tis the season.

John Thompson
12-24-2007, 5:50 PM
As far as trying the modification... it's already failed it's initial purpose with the wear. I see no harm in trying to repair what's already on board in lieu of replace if replacement can be made? I am not familar with that saw!

Is there a better CMS or SCMS for finer WW?....

Maybe... depends on your needs. If.. if.. you get it repaired to the point of cutting square (which is the biggest if and requirement to do detail work IMO), then it would depend on what you intend after the fix.

I do "all cross-cutting" with a Hitachi 12" SCMS. My TS stricly rips and has a dedicated blade for that. I took the top main-frame from a Wool-craft portable base found on sale at the Box ($49) and threw away the legs. I mounted it on top of a mobile cabinet made from scraps. So.. the cabinet now (with the extentions protruding) is 4' wide. But... it will extend to 12' which allows me to cut 16'" wide stock 16" long as that often comes in my shop from the mill. I have miter and compound miter capability.

So... your current saw could serve the same purpose with the exception that you don't have the wide capability that a SCMS allows. I need it, but you may not. Bottom line IMO... is what are "your needs" in "your shop" now with thoughts toward the future of what those needs might be?



Brian Dormer
12-25-2007, 11:52 AM
If the worn part could be replaced - you might find the part at:


Replacing a worn part will be far cheaper than buying a new saw.

keith ouellette
12-25-2007, 5:14 PM
I am trying to understand you problem. My dewalt may be newer than yours. It has a curved bar with the pre set angels notched in it. It is set (clamped down) into an angel by pushing a lever and not by a knob but I think your problem is with the curved bar of angle pre sets. Is that where the divits are or is it under the preset bar on the saws body?

Steve Clardy
12-25-2007, 9:14 PM
That model saw was made up until about two years ago.
I believe the 715 replaced it.
I would contact dewalt and check on the replacement part.
I would think it would be available

Randy Redding
12-26-2007, 7:45 PM
I've been busy with Christmas stuff and have not gotten back to the Creek for a bit. I very much appreciate your ideas and hope all had a great holiday!

The curved piece with notches is working OK and is adjustable. There is a spring loaded piece that clicks into those notches and that works fine. In addition, though, this saw has a screw with a knob that cranks into the frame of the saw to firm up the setting. It helps keep things locked in. The spare part would be the entire center table so I think that might cost quite a bit.

Today, I used my dremel and ground the divits wider and that worked ok. My saw is aligned and I can make decent cuts now. :D

Now, I'm on to aligning my table saw!