View Full Version : My first Bottle Stopper Attempts and a Bowl

Tim Malyszko
12-23-2007, 9:59 PM
My Grandpa has been making wine in his basement for decades. For Christmas, my Sister made up some labels for his wine and I decided to make him a few bottle stoppers on the lathe. This was my first attempt at making the bottle stoppers and I was quite pleased with the way they turned out. One is made from Cocobolo and the other Olivewood. Both were sanded to 1800 and finished with Shellawax Liquid Friction Polish and a coat of Renaissance Wax.

In addition, every time I run into my Wife's Aunt, she asks me to make her something like a Toy Chest or something similar. Last night I saw her at a Chirstmas Party and she jokingly asked me if I would have anything ready for her when I see her on Christmas Eve. I cannot exactly whip up a toy chest in 2 days, but I did have a maple blank laying around, so I turned her a simple bowl. Although its hard to tell from the pictures, 1/2 the bowl has a quilted pattern while the other half is rather plain. It measures approximately 8" round by 2" deep with an undercut lip on the top. Due to time contraints, I did not soak it in oil, but instead went straight to the buffing.

I think I may rechuck the bowl and re-sand it to try and fix some of the tear-out on the quilted half. She may not get it by tomorrow, but I really want a smooth finish and want the quilted figure to Pop so I'll probably refinish it.

Thats all I have. Merry Christmas to All!!!

Bernie Weishapl
12-23-2007, 11:01 PM
Tim those are beauties. She will like the bowl and the stoppers will be a hit.

Merry Christmas.

Steve Schlumpf
12-23-2007, 11:42 PM
Nice work Tim! Your Grandfather will love the stoppers! Hope you get the bowl finished in time - beautiful looking wood!

Tim Gruss
12-23-2007, 11:57 PM
Very nice for your firsts. I too do mostly cabinets, cases and chests. I got hooked on turning about a year and a half ago. You might just be in for a surprise, and fall into the Vortex.

Tim Malyszko
12-24-2007, 8:27 AM
Thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify I've turned many bowls but never turned any bottle stoppers.

After thinking about it more, I am definately re-chucking the bowl and working on it a bit more to get the right look, even if it means giving her the bowl a few days late.

Merry Christmas.

Tom Sherman
12-24-2007, 10:56 AM
Nice looking stoppers and bowl Tim

Dan Forman
12-24-2007, 5:37 PM
Nice job on both the stoppers and the bowl. Handmade gifts are the best!
