View Full Version : Project Gallery?

12-23-2007, 3:34 PM
Does SMC have a project foto gallery? Give us a chance to see some work to go with the words.

Jim Dunn
12-23-2007, 6:42 PM
Fritz I'm not sure I understand your question. Most of the threads on SMC include pictures of projects. Unless, that is,the member is just looking for some "verbal" information.

John Bartley
12-23-2007, 7:20 PM
I think he's asking if SMC has a separate area dedicated to hosting pictures, indexed by members. That way the members can upload their photos to the gallery instead of just posting them in a thread so that we can browse the gallery for a members photos instead of searching threads to find photos.


Jim Becker
12-23-2007, 8:00 PM
There are several new features planned for Contributors, but currently there is no formal "Gallery" area. We all just post threads about our projects here in GW, or in the Neander or Turning forums as appropriate.

12-24-2007, 3:32 PM
John's got it. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I'm new, am thrilled by the wealth of knowledge and experience available. Just thought it would be nice to see the results of said knowledge and experience. Sometimes I might borrow an idea or even offer one in the design part of this whole ww world.
My old man told me that there's really nothing new under the sun, just variations on age-old themes.

Larry Fox
12-24-2007, 3:51 PM
I think Fritz is onto something here as I have often wished that The Creek had just that - a place where I could go to just look at projects. I personally draw so much inspiration from the fine work of others here that I find myself looking for pictures of a project that I recall that had an element or so that I want to incorporate into a project of my own. That search is typically a hit or miss keyword search baed on my memory of the thread.

This would likely be the most disk-storage-intensive forum as I think it would be good to allow high-res images and I would certainly be willing to kick in extra above and beyond the yearly contribution to support it.



BTW: Fritz, can you share some details about that picture you included with your original post? The space and the work in it look amazing - yours? I am a fan of any open space that can essentially swallow whole a full-size piano like the one you show does. :)

Keith Outten
12-24-2007, 4:06 PM

If more of our Members felt like you do we would have a gallery but the bandwidth requirements would be to expensive for us to provide financially without the support of this Community. It woudn't be expensive if the majority here would be willing to donate but they prefer not to so a photo gallery has never been something we could support.

You will have the ability to setup your own photo gallery when the next version of vBulletin is installed here. This won't be the same as having a Community Gallery but it will be the next best thing. If the new vBulletin upgrade allows us to setup a Community Gallery it will have to be restricted to Contributors only.


John Thompson
12-24-2007, 6:30 PM

If more of our Members felt like you do we would have a gallery but the bandwidth requirements would be to expensive for us to provide financially without the support of this Community. It woudn't be expensive if the majority here would be willing to donate but they prefer not to so a photo gallery has never been something we could support.

You will have the ability to setup your own photo gallery when the next version of vBulletin is installed here. This won't be the same as having a Community Gallery but it will be the next best thing. If the new vBulletin upgrade allows us to setup a Community Gallery it will have to be restricted to Contributors only.


I haven't been around a long while, but I was surprised when I arrived that such a large forum doesn't have a Gallery.. per se! Thank you for your well spelled out explanation of "why". "And that's the rest of the story" as Paul Harvey says.

I was also shocked at a statement you made several days ago that only 9% of the population chose to contribute $6 toward maintaining the site. I sent $12 when I read that... and I was laid off from my job 6 weeks ago. Everybody seems to have plenty to say, but nobody can afford $6?

I have to question "Why"? Could we not have skipped "one" fast food stop and have done so? There is much talk of the "F" word in the general Tool and WW section.. LN and LV in Neander... but we can't afford $6?

I am led to believe as a new-comer that we are not short of words as witnessed from day to day when a thread can move completely to page 2 from it's origin in several hours. But... facts remain facts and it also appears that the "words" far out-weigh "action".

As a new-comer.. or to some of you that have seen many days here.. I find that Sad!

Highest regards and Merry Xmas to all..


12-24-2007, 7:06 PM
Does form follow function?
Is the functionality more important than the subjective beauty of what we do?
I say there are more works of art made here than things one can sit on or store things in.
So I say function follows form, in this for(u)m.
So let's have a look see!

Steve LaFara
12-24-2007, 8:21 PM
I would love a place where all you got were pictures and a discription from the original poster. Often times, you spend a lot of time just wading through all of the feed back posts only to find that there are'nt any pictures at all.

Maybe a seperate "gallery" section for this and if you want to go a step furthur, it could be set up in categories for different types of items. Just a thought as I frequently go searching for ideas and it would make life a lot easier if all like items were together.