View Full Version : Issue with the guide pins on the Akeda Dovetail Jig

Tim Malyszko
12-23-2007, 10:33 AM
The other day, I was using my Akeda Dovetail Jig and was having a most difficult time snapping the guide fingers into place. Every time I use it, this is an issue - some of the guide fingers snap in easily and others won't snap in place at all.

For the Akeda owners out there, is this normal or do I have an issue with either the Jig or the Pins? I never raised the question before because it was a minor annoyance, but as I use it more and more, it's becoming a major annoyance to the point that I've thought about replacing it with a Leigh.

Any feedback would be great. After the holidays I'll give Akeda a call and see what they have to say.
