View Full Version : Worx router parts

Denise Ohio
12-22-2007, 10:11 PM
Crap, I lost my 1/2" collet for my Worx WT600K router.

Anybody have any idea where I can get one?


Bill Huber
12-23-2007, 9:22 AM
Did you try and call them.

866-354-9679 from their web site.

Good luck.

Denise Ohio
12-23-2007, 2:23 PM
Bill, thanks for the response.

I only discovered my stupidity yesterday, so I haven't had a chance to call them. I did find their site for ordering parts online, but the second page of their purchase process was down. That makes me a bit nervous when it comes to putting a credit card number up there.

Ah, well, I'll wait till later this week and give them a try.

I swear I put that collet in a little bag with a little packet of silicon gel inside the little bag for miscellaneous parts that was inside the router case. I have some 1/4" bits that will work for me in the meantime.