View Full Version : can you buy replacement twist mechanisms?

Dean Matthews
12-22-2007, 1:32 AM
I did a total bonehead move tonight and pushed a twist mechanism in WAY too far on a pen I was making. I was able to get that one out but it was trashed. I happened to have another kit laying around that I had not planed on using yet so I "borrowed" the mechanism out of that. Now I have a kit with no twist mechanism.

I have seen that you can buy the tubes... and some places sell "create a pen" kits but I have not seen any line items for just the twist mechanism.

Anyone know if they can be bought separate anywhere?

Jason Hallowell
12-22-2007, 2:21 AM
I have seen the 7mm transmissions (slimline type) sold separately at my local woodcraft, and I think woodturningz.com has them as well. They run about $7-$10 for a 10pack. I have not seen the other type of transmissions sold separately anywhere though.

Dean Matthews
12-22-2007, 8:35 AM
I have seen the 7mm transmissions (slimline type) sold separately at my local woodcraft, and I think woodturningz.com has them as well. They run about $7-$10 for a 10pack. I have not seen the other type of transmissions sold separately anywhere though.

Thanks! I forgot about woodturningz.com. I see that they have them.

Next time I get a chance to go up to Woodcraft I will see if they have them in the store. I could not find them on the website at all.

being the Saturday before Christmas... I am not going anywhere near a store today.

Greg Just
12-22-2007, 8:39 AM
These folks sell them too: http://woodnwhimsies.com/

I have no connection other than a happy customer.

Tony Wheeler
12-22-2007, 10:03 AM
one of my oldest fried called yesterday and told me that one of his burr oak trees that had dies from beetles was doen adnd he said that he saved me one crotch and that I should come up and get it. Now his fram sets right next to the Santa Fe Trail. Man when i got there didnt even take a saw figured that I would just load it and cut up at home. Well when I seen it I new that wasn't going to happen good thing that he had a 24 in saw. This one crotch filled the hole truck. He told me that the county extension agent said that this tree had to be from 150 to 180 years old and there wasn't a wagon that pasted on the /santa Fe Trail that this tree didn't see. i an tring to brought a camera since mine still at the shop to get pictures. I did try to round one blank that is still 24 dia and 6 deep this should test the mustard how to build an outboard tool rest.

Paul Heely
12-22-2007, 10:16 AM
How did you disassemble the pen? Harbor Freight sells an inexpensive set of transfer punches. With those I've been able to dissasemble almost every type of pen I make without damage.

If you are stuck and can't find just the mechanism let me know. I have a box full of "extra" pen parts and might have one that I can send you.

Greg Just
12-22-2007, 10:29 AM
How did you disassemble the pen? Harbor Freight sells an inexpensive set of transfer punches. With those I've been able to dissasemble almost every type of pen I make without damage.

If you are stuck and can't find just the mechanism let me know. I have a box full of "extra" pen parts and might have one that I can send you.


How does the transfer punch work if you have both the pen tip and twist installed?



Paul Heely
12-22-2007, 10:42 AM
Yes. The punch that will just fit through the mechanism will not fit through the tip. You can drive out the tip first then working from the tip end drive out the mechanism.

Dean Matthews
12-22-2007, 4:31 PM
How did you disassemble the pen? Harbor Freight sells an inexpensive set of transfer punches. With those I've been able to dissasemble almost every type of pen I make without damage.

If you are stuck and can't find just the mechanism let me know. I have a box full of "extra" pen parts and might have one that I can send you.

I just took a pair of pliers and started yanking. I knew it was going to jack up the twist mechanism but I was pretty much out of options because of just how far it had been installed.

robert hainstock
12-22-2007, 4:52 PM
the 7mm disasembly kit is a three piece. first the skinny one through the mec. Then the fat punch and the knurled collar over the twist mech. works great and Ryan is happy to sell you tubes and mechanisms at WOOTURNINZ.COM Good luck. :o:o

Dean Thomas
12-22-2007, 10:41 PM
At my local Woodcraft, they have a "parts box" full of parts and pieces and the policy is that if you need one, take one. They're very cool about that.

They do NOT sell a packet of transmissions, though. Not at my local one. I tried last Tuesday. I need 10 for FPP pens yet. Still waiting to hear from the supplier.

And I'm still waiting for wisdom to find out if there is a way to tell if the tranny is bad before I squeeze it in there! I had about 10 not have enough torque to hold the refill out long enough to write two words.