View Full Version : Question about Bosch Jig Saw

Tullie Templet
12-21-2007, 3:22 PM
I just recieved my Bosch 1519 barrel handle jig saw from Amazon yesterday. I was just a little concerned about the way it sounds when it is running. It sounds a little loud and clunky (for a lack of better terms). Now it is not terrible or anything but all I have used in the past is cheap Black and Decker models so that is the sound I am use to hearing. I was just wondering if the better models sound different or if I should be concerned. It is a brand new one. Thanks for any replies.

Andy Fox
12-21-2007, 3:48 PM
It might be louder and clunkier because there's more metal parts than on the cheaper jigsaws. Hard to tell if the noise you're hearing is normal without actually hearing it.

Tullie Templet
12-21-2007, 5:07 PM
That's kinda what I was thinking but I just wanted some opinions. Like i said It doesn't sound terrible it just sounds like metal parts moving.

Dave Sweeney
12-21-2007, 5:47 PM
That's kinda what I was thinking but I just wanted some opinions. Like i said It doesn't sound terrible it just sounds like metal parts moving.
Metal parts???:eek: That ideal will never catch on!:p:D

John Thompson
12-21-2007, 7:38 PM
It's the best jig-saw I have ever had in my hand in over 35 years...

I doubt the sound you hear is a sound of trouble but.. it's under warranty!

That's all I care to comment!


Anthony Anderson
12-21-2007, 9:01 PM
I have the Bosch 1590, which is the top handle version of the same jigsaw. Mine is pretty smooth, not really any clunking noise going on, and like Sarge said, smoothest and most accurate jigsaw that I have ever used. Maybe you can go to HD or Lowes and ask to plug in the on the shelf, so you can compare the sound. Good Luck, let us know how it turns out.


Brandon Shew
12-21-2007, 9:11 PM
While Bosch may (arguably) make the best jigsaws out there, Makita makes the quietest and IMHO, they are on par w/ Bosch.

Todd Jensen
12-21-2007, 10:42 PM
Huh?? Anyways, if your Bosch sounds like a valvetrain - clickety clacking while its whirring away, its doing what its supposed to do. As long as the cutting motion is smooth and it doesn't smell funny, you should be alright.

Scott Rollins
12-21-2007, 11:23 PM
I just got mine today also! I plugged that saw in and made some scroll cuts that would have been impossible to do with my old B&D. I then clamped up a guide and made a straight cut on a piece of Red Oak. I cannot believe how smooth a cut this jigsaw makes. I checked the cut and it is right on 90 degrees through the scroll cuts and the straight. My jigsaw is a little louder and much heavier than my old B&D, but the weight feels perfect when cutting. Almost no vibration (on setting 1) This may possibly replace my circular saw!

Tullie Templet
12-22-2007, 6:53 AM
Thanks for the comments guys.