View Full Version : "Weekend Doin's" - Christmas Edition

Karl Laustrup
12-21-2007, 6:51 AM
Friday December 21st, 2007

Here it is for the last time this year.


We are going to have a white Christmas this year. We may even get a little more snow before Christmas day. Right now it's just above freezing and we're getting some drizzle, but it's not supposed to be enough to melt all the snow.

It will be a quiet Christmas for us. Our celebration won't be until next weekend when we travel to our son's house in Cumberland, WI. Sunday is LOML's B-Day. I know we'll be watching the Packers :D game and then splurge on a dinner at one of our local fine dining establishments.

What are your plans for the Christmas holiday? Whatever they may be I wish all of you a truly joyus Christmas with family and friends.

Please take a moment and remember our service men and women who can't be home during this season.

Thank you. Be SAFE.


Matt Meiser
12-21-2007, 7:30 AM
It will be a busy weekend for us. Everyone from out of town arrives tonight or tomorrow and will be here through Christmas morning when one of my brothers and his wife go to her parents. We have our big family dinner and gift exchange on the evening of Christmas Eve. Then Christmas day everyone comes over to our house for the day. I have to work the latter part of next week since I don't have enough PTO to take it off along with an upcoming vacation. About the only woodworking related activities will be going with my dad to pick up the materials for their bathroom cabinetry, and giving the easel I made to my daughter on Christmas morning.

David Duke
12-21-2007, 7:45 AM
The LOML's family will be in Saturday for our Christmas on her side, Sunday we will meet up with my brother and sisters and make our annual visits around town to each others and our kid's homes looking at the decorations.

Monday don't have much planned other than visiting with the neighbors and maybe even doing a little WWing. Christmas morning we will have our Christmas then go to my mom's house and have my family Christmas.

I'm off until the 2nd so the first couple of days after Christmas I'm sure that we'll be taking down decorations and then HOPEFULLY I'll be able to get back into the shop...........what is Santa gonna bring me???????

Jim Dunn
12-21-2007, 7:53 AM
Sitting here suffering from knee surgery listening to my knee go "squish squish" each time I move.

Other than that everything is normal in the Dunn household.

Tyler Howell
12-21-2007, 8:01 AM
Headed to the new place early in the morning weather permitting. I'll be hauling WW tools if that counts. Unpack and then return home on Xmas day to celebrate with family.
Merry Merry to you all.

Greg Just
12-21-2007, 8:24 AM

The link doesn't work to your projects.

As for me and my family, we will be home here in Blaine, MN celebrating with family - we will most certainly have a white Christmas. There has been snow on the ground since a few days after Thanksgiving and we are supposed to get more tomorrow.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Al Willits
12-21-2007, 8:34 AM
Weekend I'm going to be finishing the baking and making of Krumkake, Rosettes and Fattingman, then prob out to the garage to try and get some more of the wife's TV stand done.

X-mas eve is at the SIL and X-mas I have to work, that sucks but the triple time will put a few dollars into the drum sander stash.

Lori and I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and well New Year.

Karl you all healed up I hope?

We need a Creeker gathering after the holidays, still trying to get up the nerve to make your salsa....:)

Been a enjoyable year for me on this forum, ya all have put me in the poor house with your Amazon updates and tool recommendations, but I've discovered wood working and really enjoy it...well...when I'm not trying to stop the bleeding anyway...:D

Just wanted to say thanks for putting up with me.


Ken Fitzgerald
12-21-2007, 8:40 AM
Well this weekend I was planning on doing some turning. I still might get to do a little but Sunday it's back to work.

The LOML gets her Christmas present a little early. This evening she flies to Portland after she gets off work at school. She'll spend tonight, Saturday, Sunday and return home Monday evening.

Monday I have to work but Monday evening when Sharon gets home, we'll celebrate our 39th anniversary.

Nancy Laird
12-21-2007, 9:44 AM
Believe it or not, I'm gonna rest this weekend!! The push will start on Wednesday to get four jobs done by the end of the year, but I am going to rest!!!! I don't think I'll even turn on the lasers. I need to get to the lathe and finish my Christmas ornament for Bernie (sorry, Bernie, it's so late!!!:(:o)

Ken, Happy Anniversary to you and Sharon; hope it's a nice one. David and I are coming up on 25 years in March. Do you feel like you've been married all your life??:)

Tyler, Al, Karl, and Greg, my sis-in-law is in Minneapolis for Christmas with her son and family, and she's complaining about being so cold. Think you four could keep the snow level down and the temp up for a few days until she leaves???:D I'm sure that if the four of you get together and start talking ww'ing, the temp will rise about 10 degrees in the immediate vicinity.:D:D

I have made some wonderful friends through the Creek this year - I won't name names, as you know who you are, and there are too many to remember them all anyway. You have become a part of my extended family and I send virtual hugs to you all. To everyone here and your families,

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, whatever your creed may be, and

May you all have a joyful, peaceful, and prosperous New Year in 2008.


Al Willits
12-21-2007, 10:07 AM
Nancy, its 32 degree's right now, we're in the middle of a heat wave, not sure we could stand any warmer weather...:)

But we'll try and keep the snow level to just enough for a white Christmas for her. :)


Jim O'Dell
12-21-2007, 10:12 AM
Nancy, you're going to start your retirement years by.......RESTING????? :D:D:D

Well. LOML and I need to finish up Christmas shopping. My Dad is really all that's left. I haven't had any luck with gifts for him since he gave up most of his woodworking because of his deteriorating eye sight. He's always been an advid reader also, but Mom says he doesn't read much anymore. Might have to see what's available on Books On Tape, but I'm afraid that will make him feel bad. So the hunt goes on.
Have to work Monday, don't know if we'll get off early, or have to work all day. Sales has been told they work all day, so we'll see how it goes.
Christmas we drive up to Lake Texhoma to my parents house. It will be just the 4 of us as my brother and his significant other have plans with her side of the family.
For everyone that will be travelling, be very safe and have a wonderful time with your family and friends and don't forget to celebrate the reason for the season! Jim.

Jim Becker
12-21-2007, 12:50 PM
I am planning on spending a LOT of time in the shop over the next week and a half. I've missed a lot of weekends due to business travel and need to make up for it. I really have to get the linen cabinet done and move forward on the next projects. I may work on a solid stock piece just to break things up, but haven't made that decision yet...there is still a bit of cabinetry to manufacture for the addition...which is in drywall "as we speak".

And Happy Holidays to all! (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=71813)

Fred Voorhees
12-21-2007, 2:41 PM
Well, besides my youngest brother coming up from Cape May, I hope to get started on a kitchen cabinet project for our sons house. My wife and I went out last week to measure things up and there are three upper cabs and two base cabs to fab up. Other than that, there will be some cleaning and straightening up around the house for all of the upcoming Christmas happenings that are suppose to "happen".

Dennis Peacock
12-23-2007, 6:59 AM
Mornin' Karl,

Merry Christmas to ya and the family.!!!!!!

Just got done with a lot of hours at the day job and I've got a lot of family time to catch up on before Tuesday morning. ;)

No real woodworking for me this weekend.....I gotta help make way for Santa. :D

Lee Koepke
12-23-2007, 9:07 AM
I am building a home for my Grizzly. I had started a side table with base before my old saw broke on me, so I finished that yesterday, will reinstall the fence today, and get to work on my CMS / RAS station. I have all of next week off too, so this may be the first time i FINISH a project I start all in one sitting.

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Christmas !!!