View Full Version : Question about thread post dates

Gene Michael
12-21-2007, 1:48 AM
Maybe my PC has a gremlin or it could be my new glasses, but somehow, the dates of the postings seem to get mixed up. Tonight, I read page 1 of the general woodeworking forum, then went to page 2. In the middle of December 17th threads, there was one from Lori Kleinberg that started on 10/25/2007 followed by one from Steve Davies dated 9/28. The next one was from Todd Crow and dated 12/17. What gives? Are my glasses fogged or have I been drinking too much caffeine?

Also notice that occasionally, a new thread seems familiar, then as I read it, realize it was posted a month or two ago and is now reappearing with the current date.

The other thing is I keep hearing the Twilight Zone theme in the background.....:eek:

Thomas Knighton
12-21-2007, 2:13 AM
It goes by the date of the most recent post, so while a thread may start on 10/25, the most recent post will be 12/1?


Rich Engelhardt
12-21-2007, 5:50 AM
It only does that until you pay the annual $6.00 dues.

- just kidding. :D

Check the options down in the left hand corner of the page.

Danny Thompson
12-21-2007, 6:27 PM
ANSWER: So, in the main listing of threads, the date shown is the last post date.

Within a post, the order of replies can get tangled based on which previous posting's reply button the replier clicks.

This particular reply was posted after I clicked the "quick reply" button under your original post.

Watch, I'll post one reply to you and one to each of the other posters.

Danny Thompson
12-21-2007, 6:27 PM
Example: Clicked the "quick reply" button in Thomas Knighton's post.

Danny Thompson
12-21-2007, 6:28 PM
Example: Clicked "quick reply" in Rich Englehardts post.

Danny Thompson
12-21-2007, 6:29 PM
Clicked "quick reply" in my first post.

Tom Veatch
12-21-2007, 10:28 PM
Clicked "quick reply" in my first post.

Don't know, of course, which order you posted, but with "Linear Display Mode" enabled, they list in my browser in the order of:

Your setup post, reply to Thomas, reply to Rich, and reply to yourself. The times shown on the post headers are in consistent order from earliest to latest.

In "Hybrid Mode" the order seems to be scrambled a bit. I assume the posts are grouped and ordered according to the post to which they reply, then posts within each group is sorted in date/time order. I personally prefer Linear Mode and rarely use anything else.