View Full Version : Gloat? You tell me....

Jim Underwood
12-20-2007, 11:02 PM
Just purchased a mildly used Nova Chuck, the original with Tommy bars, with a set each of (nearly new):
Cole Jaws
std 50 mm jaws
25 mm jaws
Pin Jaws
(and one more set that I can't seem to remember)

For $125, plus shipping.:cool:

I'm looking forward to getting this in the next coupla days!:D

Tom Sherman
12-21-2007, 9:14 AM
Jim it sounds as if you are set up pretty well. What lathe are you using it for, hopefully one with a 1"X8 spindle.

12-21-2007, 10:57 AM
actually, really a decent price. Nice gloat!!

Jim Underwood
12-21-2007, 12:23 PM
This chuck is for my Jet Mini.
Hopefull the chuck will ship out today. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get it tomorrow or Monday...

Oh. And I see my notes say that other set of jaws is 100 mm.

All those jaws should do it eh?

I've got the Nova midi chuck with the 50 mm jaws already, but the capacity (min/max) is kinda small. I've also got the Nova G3 with the step jaws, so I have a lot of capacity with that. So all the jaws should interchange, and I should be able to do a lot of stuff without having to dismount pieces from my chuck while I fit tenons to it.

This "new" one will replace the old Talon chuck that I've been borrowing to get a lot of Christmas stuff done. Now I can return it.