View Full Version : Gloat with a very sad ending.............

Robert McGowen
12-20-2007, 10:28 PM
Woodcraft called this afternoon and told me that my Jet 1642 2 HP was sitting there and was ready for me to swing by with my trailer and pick it up. (insert gloat here :)) A little later, I called the hospital and was informed that my knee surgery is scheduled for 6 am tomorrow, 12/21. (insert sad part here :() As there isn't much point in hauling the box home to look at it for a few weeks, I told Woodcraft that I would be by in mid-January to pick it up. (insert sad ending :() At least the knee surgery is work related and completely paid for. I might even end up with a nice little settlement and trade that 1642 in for a 3520b. (insert future gloat :D)

And for the picture police, I don't actually have the 1642 in my possession, so here is the next best thing! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Talk to you in a few days. Ya'll have a merry Christmas!

Ken Fitzgerald
12-20-2007, 10:30 PM
Robert.....Good luck with the surgery! Heal well!

Bernie Weishapl
12-20-2007, 10:35 PM
Robert heal well and hope things go well. Good luck.

Steve Schlumpf
12-20-2007, 10:38 PM
Hope your surgery goes well! Speedy recovery - the lathe will wait for you!

Jim Becker
12-20-2007, 10:40 PM
Brings new meaning to photos of join(t)ery... :D :D :D

(Hope the surgery goes well and the recovery is fast!)

Gary Herrmann
12-20-2007, 11:21 PM
Good luck Robert. Cartiledge, tendon or ligament? I've had 3 knee surgeries. They ain't fun. If you havn't had any, be patient. Do the rehab: get your range of motion back, then work on strength.

You'll lose muscle mass. You will get it back quickly if you do the rehab. Listen to the PT.

Did I mention do the rehab?

Good luck.

Dick Strauss
12-20-2007, 11:21 PM
That's a nice offset turning. What kind of wood is it (willow)? It looks a little fuzzy so you may want to sand it some more before you apply any finish:D;).

Seriously though...good luck with the surgery. I'm sure you'll be back out there taking care of business real soon!

John Cooper2
12-20-2007, 11:33 PM
Had an ACL replacment 6 years ago, Forget I ever had surgery (most of the time)

Good luck and mustard dreams


Mike Marcade
12-20-2007, 11:34 PM
Had an ACL replacment 6 years ago, Forget I ever had surgery (most of the time)

Good luck and mustard dreams


I win! I've had 4 on the same knee. :p

Dan Forman
12-21-2007, 12:02 AM
Robert---Hope your surgery goes well, and you have a speedy recovery. Good luck with the mustard upgrade.


John Taylor
12-21-2007, 4:50 AM
Good luck with the surgery Robert and as has been said do the rehab/exercises at least as often as they say if not more.

Surgery usually works well and brings almost immediate relif.

I should know I have had 6 ops on my left knee and 7 on my right over a space of 22years, the last one on each was for total replacements. If the NHS was funded properlly I would have had the replacements within the first 3 years but they werent allowed to do it. :mad::mad::mad:


Tony De Masi
12-21-2007, 7:08 AM
Well wishes to you Robert for a successful surgery and quick healing. Maybe time for the younger folks to do those foot chases?:D


Paul Heely
12-21-2007, 7:14 AM
Hope your surgery goes well and you have a fast recovery.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-21-2007, 8:35 AM
Thinking of you this morning Robert! How long before you'll be back on that bike?

Jim Dunn
12-21-2007, 9:01 AM
Hey Robert good luck on your knee surgery. I had mine yesterday at 2:00PM and today I sit here with a knee that squishes each time I flex it.

Tom Hamilton
12-21-2007, 9:07 AM
Robert here's to best possible outcomes from your surgery. Did you get the message about rehab?:)

Oh, when you're ready for the 3520, please give me a call. The Jet might just fit over by the window in my shop!

Merry Christmas, Tom, in Houston, but close enough to pick-up the Jet!

Raymond Overman
12-21-2007, 9:19 AM

You win some, you lose some, and a few get rained out. Sorry to hear that you're sidelined for a while. Hope all goes well with the surgery and here's to a quick recovery.

Congratulations on the new lathe though.

Tom Sherman
12-21-2007, 10:01 AM
First of all let me say...OHHH MY EYES...they'll never be the same. Secondly congrats on the new latherizer. And third good luck with your surgery, I had mine done 11/29 have had less pain than before the surgery. Bad part is having to be off my feet for three more weeks, have to use crutches or a walker to get around. I have learned that crutches were never intended for a man over 300 pounds, but all in all things are going good. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Frank Kobilsek
12-21-2007, 10:31 AM

You are probably just waking up from surgery as I write this.

I tried to snow ski for the second time in my life at 41 years old. While attempting to make the turn onto Pooh Bear's Trail (kiddie hill) for the first run of the day I fell. I severed 3 ligaments. While rehabing I started carving canes, which led to buying a lathe, which threw me into the abyss. All's good that end well.

Enjoy PT :( and watch the pills, for me they are worse than the pain.


12-21-2007, 10:57 AM
That was a picture that could have been left unposted! Thanks a lot for that!
Sorry to hear about the surgery, hope all is going well and you heal quickly. May the lathe grow and turn colors as it molds at woodcraft. So when it get home it's mustard yellow and huge!!!

Don Orr
12-21-2007, 11:42 AM
Hey, a new lathe, a new knee, some R&R around the Holidays. Sounds good to me ! And as others have said, do what the docs and PTs say and don't rush it-but don't baby it either. The lathe can wait. It won't do you much good if your body is too messed up to use it.

Good luck and Happy Holidays.

Dale Gregory
12-21-2007, 1:39 PM
Robert, hope you knee surgery went without a hitch;). The lathe can wait....a little while. Need to find a few friends to pick it up and set it up for you. I can see you leaning on the crutches and turning a little during rehab.

Jim, glad to hear your surgery went well!

My right knee is bothering me a lot, so I may be next in line in the New Year!


robert hainstock
12-21-2007, 5:24 PM
Bummer. I had a roomate who was having his second knee job in three months because he did not do what the doctor said as to therepy. It is a six week deal I'm told and quite arduous. We'll be thinkin of you. :):)

Robert McGowen
12-21-2007, 7:42 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone! I am alive and almost well. :) Have to go. The wife is looking over the shoulder making sure that I am not typing something weird due to the meds. :rolleyes:

Tom Hamilton
12-21-2007, 7:49 PM
Good news Robert, thanks for the update. Have you done your PT for today?!?

Merry Christmas, Tom