View Full Version : Delta sliding cutoff table

Dale Lucy
12-20-2007, 12:39 PM
After reading reviews on Amazon about the Delta sliding table (34-555), it seems that it is either the best thing since sliced bread, or the last sign of the apocalypse.
Anybody out there have one installed on a non-Delta cabinet saw? likes or dislikes?


Greg Sznajdruk
12-20-2007, 1:19 PM

Have a look at this site.



frank shic
12-20-2007, 2:43 PM
dale, i had one for the longest time until i realized i needed something MUCH LARGER to be able to crosscut an entire sheet of melamine in one stroke at which point i upgraded to an exaktor sliding table. the other irritating feature about the delta is that the fence gets knocked out of square really easily plus the initial calibration takes quite some time and patience although the sliding action is much smoother than the exaktor although not as good as the mast-r-slide by jessem.

Mike Cutler
12-20-2007, 8:27 PM

Welcome to Sawmill Creek.

I have never used the Delta slider, but it looks like similar models that have been offered by various manufactures.

The price is pretty steep though. The amazon listed price puts it almost into the same category as a JessEm Mast-R-Slide.
Youu might want to consider the JessEm Version. They are Rock solid and do everything they are advertised as doing.
