View Full Version : Cedar bowl

Steve Campbell
12-20-2007, 11:38 AM
I spend a lot of time looking at every ones pictures but seldom post much myself. Well just finished a cedar bowl I thought I would share. I'm not a great turner but I am even worse at taking pictures.
The bowl is 6 1/2" X 2 3/4". No finish just buffed and waxed.
Thanks for looking. Any words of wisdom?


Bernie Weishapl
12-20-2007, 12:29 PM
Great looking bowl Steve. I really like the simple form and nice finish.

Don Orr
12-20-2007, 12:31 PM
The only words of wisdom from me are Hang onto it, it's a beauty !

Ted Calver
12-20-2007, 12:32 PM
Nice one Steve!!

Bonnie Campbell
12-20-2007, 12:48 PM
Your bowl looks great (and the picture does too ;)) I like red cedar.

Steve Schlumpf
12-20-2007, 1:34 PM
Very nice bowl Steve - beautiful wood! Nice work!

Doug M Jones
12-20-2007, 1:45 PM
Very nice looking bowl. I really like that Cedar, gonna have to try and find some to turn.

Well done.

Walt Nollan
12-20-2007, 3:25 PM
There's nothing wrong with that bowl. Keep turning


Tom Sherman
12-20-2007, 3:27 PM
You done good Steve, Cedar is a joy to turn. It turns like butter and makes the shop smell great.

12-20-2007, 4:02 PM
Don you killing me. My words of wisdom were going to be "send it to me!!!"

Dan Forman
12-20-2007, 5:02 PM
Looks like a keeper to me, nice going.


Pete Jordan
12-20-2007, 6:29 PM
I really like it Steve! Like Bernie says, the shop must smell great.

Jim Becker
12-20-2007, 7:30 PM
Great bowl! Strangely enough, I made a nearly identical one several years ago, although it was just a little smaller than yours. It's a great form for the cedar and really sets off the sap and heart in a wonderful way. Bravo!

Dwight VanSickle
12-21-2007, 10:08 AM
Steve, Keep the bowl. After you turn for awhile then compare your bowls with this one and you will see the how you have change you turning skills from good to better. I like the top edge of this bowl.

Glenn Hodges
12-21-2007, 10:33 AM
Good looking bowl.

Steve Mawson
12-21-2007, 10:33 AM
I have always liked cedar. I used to find old fence posts on the farm and turn them into something. The bowl is great and I like the finish. I did not know you could get such a nice finish this way. I will now have to try this myself.

Steve Campbell
12-21-2007, 7:53 PM
Thanks all for the kind words. Turning cedar sure makes the shop smell nice. It also turns good. I only have a small chunk of it though. The chunk I got has a couple nasty cracks in it so not sure I can even get one more bowl out of it.
I have been turning bowls for about a year now. Mostly simple forms. I love to give them away. I give a bowl to anybody that brings me a chunk of wood.
I am now trying to start spindle turning. I still haven't mastered the art of sharpening the skew. Oh well if I want it bad enough it will come.
Thanks again for looking.


Bill Wyko
12-23-2007, 2:38 AM
I like it too. I bet it smelled great while you were turning it. Great job.