View Full Version : Dennis Peacock made me cry today.

Nancy Laird
12-20-2007, 9:46 AM
I'm putting this in the turner's forum because it pertains to turning, but it also pertains to the loving and giving nature of Dennis and the entire Peacock family.

Back story: when I was in Conway in March, I had dinner with Dennis and his family, and during my tour of his shop, I spotted a roughed-out maple bowl sitting on the shelf, picked it up and commented on how beautiful it was. Dennis said that he'd finish that rough-out into a bowl for me. I sort of laughed it off -- "You don't have to do that." -- but he said he would do it. And to tell the truth, I had sort of forgotten about it, until this morning. We got home very late last night, and when I stepped out the front door to get the paper this morning, I found a large box sitting by the door. Here's what was in it:






As the inscription on the bottom says, this is my birthday and retirement gift from him, and I am floored.

I apologize for the poor pictures, as I did them in a hurry to get them posted, and they don't do this piece justice. It's about 5-3/4" high, almost 8" in diameter, and it's just beautiful.

Dennis also included a note to me which is very personal, so I won't share it here, but suffice to say that I have cried for happiness.

Thank you, dear Dennis, for the bowl, for your words, for the good wishes, and for your friendship.

And Merry Christmas!!

Nancy (1 day)

Jim Becker
12-20-2007, 9:57 AM
That's beautiful, Nancy...and Dennis is a smart cookie....what a better way to celebrate the milestones than something handcrafted from nature's best!

And yes, Dennis is a top-shelf person. Da best!

Allen Schmid
12-20-2007, 10:04 AM
What a great story and thanks for sharing it with us all! It exemplifies what great people we have here in this forum. They do good deeds for many people in their personal, and extended, family. How lucky you are to be the recipient of such kindness! A memory you will be able to share with all who see that beautful bowl.
Happy Holiday to all,

Glenn Clabo
12-20-2007, 10:19 AM
Congrats Nancy! Very nice "Peacock" piece.

It's always nice have something that someone has created for you...but even more special when it's made by a friend who also is simply an all around nice guy.

David Duke
12-20-2007, 10:24 AM
Just more proof that Creekers are great and know the value of "family". Way to go Dennis!!!!!!!!

Nancy, in case I forget later congratulation on your retirement and best of wishes for your future plans!!!!!!!!

Bob Hallowell
12-20-2007, 10:25 AM
Tis' the season for love. Good one Dennis!


Mike Vickery
12-20-2007, 10:44 AM
Congrats Nancy, what I nice tokem from Dennis.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-20-2007, 10:56 AM
Congrats Nancy! Dennis is definitely one of nice guys!

Gary Keedwell
12-20-2007, 11:29 AM
Congratulations Nance.....That Dennis, what a guy. Don't ya just love it when somebody sends you something?;) Really nice bowl there, Dennis. I can't wait for the next stage in my life..when I get myself a lathe. : )


Bernie Weishapl
12-20-2007, 12:32 PM
Congrats Nancy. Dennis is a very caring person. He's the best. Nobody could ask for a better friend. Way to go Dennis.

Barry Elder
12-20-2007, 12:37 PM
Very nice story, Nancy! A Very Merry Christmas to the Lairds and to the Peacocks! And a Happy New Year!

Paul Heely
12-20-2007, 12:43 PM
A hand made Dennis original plus a personalized note. That is wonderful. Happy birthday and congrats on your retirement.

Arlan Ten Kley
12-20-2007, 1:11 PM
I'm new here, really don't know either Nancy or Dennis!.... but this speaks volumes for the quality people here at the Creek! Congrats Nancy on your retirement, and what a nice token from Dennis.

Steve Schlumpf
12-20-2007, 1:33 PM
Congrats Nancy on such a wonderful gift! Best of luck to you on your retirement - may it be more than you ever hoped for! Thanks Dennis for once again setting a fine example!

Dave Sinkus
12-20-2007, 2:07 PM
Congratulations on your gift from Dennis.....two great pieces to remember, one of them is a bowl :)

Congratulations on your retirement!! So now what will I do without your countdown?

Andy Livingston
12-20-2007, 2:19 PM
That's why I love the Creek!!! Thanks for sharing this story Nancy. Nice one Dennis!!

Tom Sherman
12-20-2007, 3:37 PM
Congratulations Nancy a special thing to have a Peacock original, and for such a special purpose too. Congratulations to Dennis as well for the selfless generosity that sets the bar high for this Holiday Season. May you both be blessed this Christmas Season.

Lou Morrissette
12-20-2007, 4:24 PM
Thanks for sharing a great (but typical of the Creek ) story. Congratulations on your retirement and enjoy. Dennis, good one Bud.


Dan Forman
12-20-2007, 4:39 PM
A lovely and thoughtful gift---and pretty good timing too! Enjoy your retirement.


Ron Hipp
12-20-2007, 8:26 PM
Dennis great turning and gift.. Nancy enjoy your retirement.

Ron Jones near Indy
12-20-2007, 9:02 PM
There's not much I can say that hasn't been said. Congratulations to both of you--class individuals who show what woodworkers are like.