View Full Version : And so it continues all thru-u the night (Ornaments)

Dean Thomas
12-20-2007, 5:56 AM
My honey lost an uncle this year. He was a neat man who had a penchant to collect things. I won't go into details, but he collected things like the miniature liquer bottles served on airplanes, libraries of books, and his last great collection was birdhouses. We can't be with the family in California this year for their first ever Christmas without Mike, so I made some birdhouses for each household, just to remember Mike for the special man he was. Thought I'd share before they go off to the left coast.

Birdseye maple with a skinny stripe of purpleheart (had to glue 'em up as the birdseye was only 3/4"). The lids are Missouri black walnut (with accompanying black fingers on the part of the turner) and the finial and perch are padauk. Each ornament is about 3-1/2" tall from loop to finial. I wish you could hold them and turn them in your hands to see the wonderful action in both the walnut and the birdseye. The camera does not do them credit. The close up tries, but...y'all know how birdseye can just glow. Finish is Behlen Woodturner's Finish. Thanks to Dick Sing's book for basics of design. I'd also like to thank Oneway. Without their Wolverine system... Oh, sorry, wrong channel... ;)

http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g101/DeanGThomas/WoodStuff/Birdhouses07b.jpg http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g101/DeanGThomas/WoodStuff/Birdhouses07b1.jpg

Ben Gastfriend
12-20-2007, 6:18 AM
The birdhouses look great, and I'm sure your family will appreciate them as a little memorial for your uncle-in-law.

Sorry to hear about your loss.

Tim Gruss
12-20-2007, 7:19 AM
Beautiful little bird houses ornaments. That really takes some talent to turn those miniatures. You have executed them perfectly.

Tom Sherman
12-20-2007, 8:11 AM
A very nice batch of ornaments Dean. I'm sure they will be appreciated.

Steve Schlumpf
12-20-2007, 8:36 AM
Looks like you turned some wonderful tributes to your Uncle! I am sure they will be appreciated by your family! Beautiful woods, colors and style! Nice work!

Steve Trauthwein
12-20-2007, 9:19 AM
Great bird houses Dean! Did you make the display as well? That is some beautiful maple.

Regards, Steve

Earl Reid
12-20-2007, 9:21 AM
Very nice ornaments. Nice use of the woods.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and the family.

Paul Engle
12-20-2007, 4:02 PM
Dean .... you the man.Merry Christmas to you and yours :D

Dean Thomas
12-20-2007, 4:17 PM
Great bird houses Dean! Did you make the display as well? That is some beautiful maple.
Thanks, friend. I did make the display stand. It was a nifty and thoroughly dry chunk of oak that I was given when I had a good connection with a mill way back when. I was free to roam the place and pilfer the scraps. That was one of those.

The center neck of the stand is a 50¢ candle stick from Hobby Lobby glued into a recess. I turned a plug for it and filed 4 notches to slip in the wire arms. Those arms are brass welding rod. SUPER cheap and effective enough to hang 4 ornaments for a total investment of less than a buck. I probably have more than that in each of the ornaments! :rolleyes:

Dan Forman
12-20-2007, 4:46 PM
Nice work, and I'm sure they will be appreciated.


Bernie Weishapl
12-20-2007, 6:31 PM
Dean great looking birdhouses. They will be appreciated.