View Full Version : Burl Covered Jar

Phil Powell
12-19-2007, 11:31 AM
This is a who knows what burl pot with a walnut rim. I keep doing these
jars....I must like the assembly part. The jar finished at around 8 inches
high and 6 inches in dia. It's finished with thinned shellac and renaissance

Steve Schlumpf
12-19-2007, 11:34 AM
Veyr impressive Phil! Great color and finish! Has a very oriental style to it! Very nice work!

Bernie Weishapl
12-19-2007, 1:49 PM
I like it Phil. Nice wood, form and finish. Well done.

Arlan Ten Kley
12-19-2007, 1:53 PM
Very pleasing form and finish, Phil. Caught my eye!

Andy Blackwell
12-19-2007, 1:57 PM
Really nice form and finish Phil. I like it.

Alex Elias
12-19-2007, 2:05 PM
Great looking piece. I love the whole thing as well

Paul Engle
12-19-2007, 2:53 PM
I like it, Asian spice jars are way cool..nice work on the form and lid.

Tom Sherman
12-19-2007, 3:24 PM
I like your jar Phil, very nice wood great color form and finish are great.

Phil Powell
12-19-2007, 3:33 PM
Thanks guys. You're right it does look like an oriental piece. I'm a
potter and it seems most potters are influenced by asian pot forms.
Guess I keep making these as more burl comes along.

Mike A. Smith
12-19-2007, 5:28 PM
Great looking piece Phil! Our dining room is oriental and I've got a little more room so just send it on over!