View Full Version : This year's Christmas Presents

Danny Yarbrough
12-19-2007, 11:10 AM
Our turning club, Windy City Woodturners, is fortunate enough to have Dick Sing as one of its members. Last month, Dick gave a demonstration of inlays, showing us how to make a wooden inlaid cap to go on a jar lid for a glass jar. Well, I was inspired, and decided that I'd try this out for our Christmas presents this year.

I used a tool similar to the one Dick showed us, a square-edged scraper with just a bit of the right side of the tool ground away at an angle to keep it from rubbing as I cut the recesses. I had an old, cheap set of "mini" turning tools, and I just re-ground a round nosed scraper (about 1/4" wide and 1/8" thick) into a profile similar to Dick's.

The original jar lid is glued into a recess on the underside of the lids you see in the attached image. The lids are all made of maple, with various woods for the trim ring and the center disk.

I'm particularly pleased with the outcome of the jar in the lower right of the picture ... the center is a bookmatched piece of bolivian rosewood. I did this as one of the last ones, just as an experiment to see how it would work .. I think it works :-)

The finish is just Deft rubbed out in the Sing-esq fashion.

I had a bit of trouble with the red (pink ivory) and black (ebony) one .. the ebony seems to have curled just a bit, and there's a distinct ridge on one side of it. The 2x2 ebony block I bought at Rockler came in wax, so it might have still been "wet", but it didn't seem so when I turned it. Not sure what I'm going to do with this one; I may have to figure out a way to re-mount it and turn out the ebony inlay and put in something else.

Thanks for looking, and Happy Holidays to all!


Steve Schlumpf
12-19-2007, 11:24 AM
Really nice work Danny! Looks like you were paying attention when the demo was given! Should make for some great Christmas gifts!

Bernie Weishapl
12-19-2007, 1:50 PM
Those are cool. Really nice job Danny.

Tom Sherman
12-19-2007, 3:12 PM
Nice job Danny, LOML has had me make a couple of these with mason rings several sizes you know. They are well recieved.

Terry Quiram
12-19-2007, 6:13 PM

Very nice. Looks like you followed Dick's directions very well. Dick demoed for the Central Illinois Woodturners a couple of years ago and I can say it was a very good demo. Dick is a great guy.
