View Full Version : Some New salad bowls

Bob Hallowell
12-19-2007, 8:53 AM
The first one is maple 11.5"x 5" I am pretty happy with this one. The second is some walnut 11"x 6" this one I don't know about my wife was calling my rim boy and said every bowl I make dosen't have to have one and I agree I just had this real pretty pic in my head it just didn't look as nice to my as it did in my head funny how that works.

as always Please feel free to critique good and bad.


jeremy levine
12-19-2007, 9:01 AM
Really nice , the maple (love maple) looks great.

Steve Schlumpf
12-19-2007, 9:07 AM
Real nice Bob! I like both bowls! They both have a lot of color! Spalted maple looks great - lots of action! Love the grain patterns and color variations in the walnut also! Nice work!

Bernie Weishapl
12-19-2007, 10:37 AM
The bowls are beauties Bob. Well done.

Paul Heely
12-19-2007, 10:50 AM
Good looking bowls Bob. I haven't tried any with rims like that. May have to, gives them a different look. Nice job.

Tom Sherman
12-19-2007, 3:04 PM
I like em both Bob, LOYL is right the shape and rim is up to the man with the gouge in his hand, not everyone likes the same.

Terry Quiram
12-19-2007, 6:16 PM

I happen to like the rims and am doing more of them myself. Your bowls show some very nice grain.


Richard Madison
12-19-2007, 11:05 PM
What they said, mostly. The maple is stunning, but I would have carried the same convex curvature smoothly from the "jog" to the top. The jog is cool. Just think that the switch to concave curvature above the jog tends to divert attention from that marvelous piece of wood.

And just the opposite with the walnut. The change in curvature from the "jog" upward adds interest to an otherwise monotone piece.

Some beautiful work, my comments notwithstanding. The "jog" is interesting.