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View Full Version : I must be an INCREDIBLY WONDERFUL human being--

Dale Thompson
02-21-2004, 9:54 PM
--at least that's what the "Woodworking Gods" must think.

GLOAT!! Yesterday, when I was making my daily stop at the local dump to select my dinner entre's, I made a great discovery. Right between the green hamburger and the black tomatoes, I found the attached stuff. :)

Now I have decorations for BOTH of the windows in my house and I also have something to hang on my door - if I ever get one. :(

I was SO excited that I almost forgot to eat!! Can you believe THAT?

I think it was Mel Tillis who described me best, "I can't wait to look in the mirror, 'cause I get better lookin' each day". :D :D

NOW, if my shop skills would just catch up with my celestial charisma, everything would be great!

Don't laugh, folks, it's the best that I can do!! :o :o

Dale T.

John Miliunas
02-21-2004, 10:21 PM
Dale, you just slave me! Tell us the truth now: Were you a writer for Jack Benny or something? Sure sounds like his style! Bet he wasn't as an accomplished woodworker as you, though! Very nice stuff! Oh, and you better go grab a bite to eat. Need to keep up your energy, you know... :D :cool:

Dave Richards
02-21-2004, 10:26 PM
You forgot to eat? Golly, Dale, I don't think I've ever been that excited. I bet your feeding us a little line, though. Nice stuff you "found". I bet you could probably make patterns from that stuff and with a little practice you could be that good. ;)

Somebody sure had some good ideas, too. Keep up with those trips to the dump.

By the way, Dale, wasn't there a story about a cow and a lantern from your neck of the woods? Oh wait Mrs. O'Leary lived in Chicago. Never mind.

Dale Thompson
02-21-2004, 10:53 PM
You forgot to eat? Golly, Dale, I don't think I've ever been that excited. I bet your feeding us a little line, though. Nice stuff you "found". I bet you could probably make patterns from that stuff and with a little practice you could be that good. ;)

Somebody sure had some good ideas, too. Keep up with those trips to the dump.

By the way, Dale, wasn't there a story about a cow and a lantern from your neck of the woods? Oh wait Mrs. O'Leary lived in Chicago. Never mind.

The Great Peshtigo Fire happened on the same day as Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over the lantern in Chitown. Our fire continues to be the biggest loss of life fire in the history of the USA. Chicago lost about two hundred souls. We are still finding some of the fifteen hundred or so folks who died in the Peshtigo Fire. Plug "Peshtigo Fire" into your search engine and see what happens. When I built my dock on the Peshtigo River, I pulled out a few logs which STILL showed the scars of that fire.

It was for REAL, man! :( :(

By the way, recent research seems to bring the Chicago fire back to Mrs. O'Leary's neighborhood, if nothing else. Whatever, that's all I know about history. Unfortunately, it's more than I know about woodworking. :o :o

Dale T.

Jim Schmoll
02-21-2004, 10:53 PM
Dave, Just being a smart butt here...

I used to get a lot of beers on the remark about Mrs O'Leary's cow. Did you know that at the same time that fire was going on, that a larger more devistating fire took place at Dale's home town of Peshtigo Wi. Yes the beer is on you..

Jim From Idyllwild CA.

I used to have a place in Mountian Wi.

Jim Schmoll
02-21-2004, 10:58 PM
Dale, great minds think alike. Our posts came at the same time. Dave owes two beers.

Jim from Idyllwild CA.

Dale Thompson
02-21-2004, 11:12 PM
Dale, you just slave me! Tell us the truth now: Were you a writer for Jack Benny or something? Sure sounds like his style! Bet he wasn't as an accomplished woodworker as you, though! Very nice stuff! Oh, and you better go grab a bite to eat. Need to keep up your energy, you know... :D :cool:

Hi Spring,

Jack Benny? He was a cheapskate - I'm just plain and honest POOR!!
Anyway, he was just a new comedian on the TV when I retired at 75.
Don't worry about us homeless folks and our need for nutrition. Even though that green hamburger seems to grow legs and move around a lot, I'm still agile enough to catch a bite once in a while. :eek: :eek:

Whatever, get those BB Badgers off their butts! You're closer than I am!
Dale T.

Kirk (KC) Constable
02-22-2004, 7:42 AM
...I think it was Mel Tillis who described me best, "I can't wait to look in the mirror, 'cause I get better lookin' each day". :D :D

Dale T.

That was Mac Davis...not Mel Tillis. :)