View Full Version : Pocket screws for frames instead of glue?

keith ouellette
12-18-2007, 8:11 AM
wouldn't it be petter (or just as good) to use pocket screws on a cope and stick
frame. One screw at each corner would do because the cope would keep it all aligned and there would be no squeeze out and you wouldn't have to wait for the glue to dry. Is there an advantage to glue?

William Nimmo
12-18-2007, 8:18 AM
I think of pocket screws as a clamp to hold the joint together until the glue dries.
I use them all the time but would not want to see them on the inside of a door

keith ouellette
12-18-2007, 9:14 AM
I think of pocket screws as a clamp to hold the joint together until the glue dries.
I use them all the time but would not want to see them on the inside of a door

Good point. Thats the type of thing I wouldn't have thought of till it was to late.

Jim Becker
12-18-2007, 11:21 AM
I always glue my pocket screw assemblies including frames.

Nathan Conner
12-18-2007, 11:26 AM
I just finished a handful of doors like this. It works...sort of. You have to be careful with your depth obviously, and it's nice to be able to pull them apart, but I've had to replace two rails that split while screwing in - just not enough wood there to take the stress of anything more than a tiny tweak on the driver.

Of course, replacing the rails was easy -- just unscrew them -- but it wouldn't have happened if I'd just glued/clamped like I intended. It was neat, and looked...well...it looks ok and intentional, was simple to assemble - no clamps or screwing around needed, but would have been better just doing it the old fashioned way and waiting for the glue to dry.