View Full Version : insect damage and finishes

terry hansen
12-17-2007, 10:16 AM
This may be better off in finishing thread - but I'll try here first.
After treating cherry with 15% timbor solution for observed damage from either pp beetles or carpenter ants (but not sure if the little buggers are still active) a white powdery residue remains. If this residue is removed any ideas if enough solution has soaked in to be effective? Likewise, if any additional processing (sanding, jointing, etc.) is done will additional Timbor applications be needed? And finally - applying finish (specifically Watrerlox) any special steps for prep before normal application because of treatment?
Damage consists of observed burrows on face edge and pinhole edge entrys in sapwood/exterior sides, doesn't appear to be heartwood damage. Cherry is 2" thick X 15" wide so I have some room to work and I will remove as much damage as possible prior to using.
I'm planning on using the wood as a counter/bar top and don't want to have uninvited guests showing up.

Scott Banbury
12-17-2007, 11:10 AM

The Timbor won't have penetrated very far in dry cherry--it penetrates much further when applied to wood above 20% MC.

When I apply it to wood that is already dry (8-12%), I do 2 applications of 10% concentration with a sprayer.

How long has it been since you applied it? Have you seen any exit holes/frass piles since treating?

I've observed beetles exiting a month or more after treatment before, followed by dead beetle bodies on the surface of the wood. To me, this indicates that beetles stayed active "below" the depth of penetration and only ingested a lethal dose upon burrowing out through the treated shell.

I therefore try to wait at least one breeding cycle before using treated wood. It probably depends on where you live, but the emergences I've seen seemed to happen from May thru June.

I leave the precipitated crystals on the surface of the lumber until I'm ready to work it and finish it.