View Full Version : Howdy

Walt Nollan
12-15-2007, 6:12 PM
Howdy to you all! I just wanted to introduce myself to you all. I started turning in Junior High Woodshop and have been hooked ever since. I have stepped away from wood working a few times while raising a family and deployments while in the Navy for 22 years. Now as a civilian, I'm an aircraft Tech Rep for the Navy. A glutten for punishment I guess. I got back into wood turning after beaking my left shoulder for the third time while BMX racing.

I really like segmented turning. I like to create bowls, vases, hollow forms, ornaments etc. Basically anything segmented! I still have my first lathe, an 1986 12"X36" Craftsman. This summer I sheet rocked my shop which used to be a garage for the former owners. My cars have never seen the inside of it. Any how, this looks like a realy cool site with great info. I hope to contribute and give back.


Pete Jordan
12-15-2007, 6:14 PM
Howdy Walt!

Welcome to the madness.

Greg Just
12-15-2007, 6:27 PM
Welcome Walt - this is a great place get information and share your results. My brother was in the Navy and stationed in Lemoore (near Hanford) for a long time. Thanks for serving our country!


robert hainstock
12-15-2007, 6:36 PM
I quit after twenty, but like you managed to turn once in those twenty. After retiring for the third time, It is now my Hobby, and primary time killer. Looking forward to your posts. :D:D
Robert (Bob) Hainstock, ICCS, USN, Ret.

Mike A. Smith
12-15-2007, 11:03 PM
Welcome Walt! Lotsa nice folks here, I think you'll like it.

Bernie Weishapl
12-15-2007, 11:06 PM
Welcome Walt to SMC. Lots of good people and lots of knowledge.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-16-2007, 12:26 AM
Welcome to the Creek Walt! There's a few ex-sailors a few retired sailors and a few active duty sailors here.

Again....Welcome to the Creek!.

Steve Schlumpf
12-16-2007, 1:01 AM
Welcome to the Creek Walt! Looking forward to seeing some of your work!

Dan Forman
12-16-2007, 1:35 AM
Welcome Walt, think you will enjoy it here. And by the way, we like pictures!


Dennis Peacock
12-16-2007, 6:32 AM
Welcome to SMC Walt.!!!! Glad to have ya around.

Post some pics of your work...we like pics. :D

John Hart
12-16-2007, 7:10 AM
Howdy Walt! My Navy tours actually spurred on my woodworking addiction..due to watch schedules and remote duty stations, I had to kill a lot of time. But Turning never came into play until I ran into this nut house. Great group of folks willing to learn and share the learning. So when you make a major bone-headed mistake....be sure to post it with lots of pictures....and we won't laugh.....


David Wilhelm
12-16-2007, 7:11 AM
Welcome Walt, Great folks here.

Tom Sherman
12-17-2007, 2:55 PM
Glad to have you aboard Walt, Look forward to seeing some of your work.

Paul Heely
12-17-2007, 3:41 PM
Welcome to the creek Walt.

Dean Thomas
12-17-2007, 4:20 PM
From the oceans to a Creek. And it's not a demotion!! :p

Welcome aboard, Walt. The work you've already shown is absolutely gorgeous. Glad you're here!