View Full Version : Stupid is as stupid does.

Bryan Berguson
12-15-2007, 5:32 PM
I noticed I can't spell "stupid" either! (you can with a little moderator assistance... :) )

I pulled a good one today and I thought I'd let everyone here share in my misery...

I'm building a christmas present for my wife and was planning on putting finish on it today. I normally do this in a garage apartment we have to keep the smell out of the house as my shop is in the basement. Well, mother in law is coming to visit for Christmas so SWMBO was cleaning the apartment to get it ready for her. She said there was no way I was stinking up that place just in time for MIL. I'm thinking, better her smelling it than us but if that's what you want...

So, I'm putting the poly on very carefully and very thin so as to have as little product gassing off as possible. I had poured about 4 ounces of poly into another cup and put the top back on the can. Put poly on the top, put poly on the base, put poly on one side of the case, so far so good... For lack of room, the case is sitting on my tablesaw outfeed table and I can't reach the back side and I have to turn it. So... I get it halfway turned and hear the very distinct sound of an almost full quart can of polyurethane hitting the floor. Luckily, if you call this luck, after banging off the dust collection pipes it flipped on it's lid and that's the way it was sitting. I quickly grabbed it, swore a couple of times (okay, it might have been 3 times :rolleyes: ) and assessed the damage. Not too bad, only about 6 or 8 ounces spilled. Oh well, I finished putting the poly on and started cleaning up. So much for using a thin coat. I now had a nice thin coat on about 12 sq feet of my floor.

Tomorrow is another day!


Jim Becker
12-15-2007, 5:55 PM

Jude Kingery
12-15-2007, 6:31 PM
Hi Bryan,

As my husband would say, "no blood, no foul," so hopefully you won't feel too badly about it even though it's annoying I know. The other night I took my eye off my siphon hose for what I thought was a minute or so, enough for kerosene to run over and onto the shop floor, not much, but enough to smell, maybe a 2' in length leak. Cherry shavings and a quick clean up, things are fine, but sure, interrupts what you're doing! Best to you,


Matt Meiser
12-15-2007, 6:58 PM
Actually, it seals the cement rather nicely, so don't feel too bad.

Christopher Pine
12-15-2007, 9:14 PM
I was in Builders Square years ago and was carrying a pint can of polyeurothane with me as I shopped and I dropped it. Well it landed on its side and splash! They were really nice about it and I did not even have to pay for the spilled product. Whenever I went there after that the "sealed cement" was allways visible :)

Bryan Berguson
12-15-2007, 9:41 PM
I noticed I can't spell "stupid" either! (you can with a little moderator assistance... :) )

I don't care what anybody else says about you Jim, you're okay! :D


Royce Meritt
12-17-2007, 11:44 AM
My shop has a plywood floor. (Easier on the old knees than concrete.) The floor is, technically, unfinished. However, someday it will be COMPLETELY finished with an assortment of spilled finishing products. (its already closer to being completely finished than I care to admit.)