View Full Version : Have any of you used mixol universal tints?

keith ouellette
12-12-2007, 6:38 PM
I know this is a finish question but there isn't much traffic there. They are sold at wood craft and it is a set of ten "tints" you can mix to make custom colors. Is a tint like a dye?

Wade Lippman
12-12-2007, 7:10 PM
I was tinting some shellac and the transtint I had was too red. It was cheaper to buy some mixol green than to try another shade of transtint. Worked fine.

I was a little skeptical because it was so cheap, but found it was just reasonably priced.

Mike Minto
07-24-2008, 8:13 PM
Hi; I just bought the small set of Mixol tints that WoodCraft sells, and have only tried a green and a brown. I've tried them both in oil based finishes with mixed (haha) results. The green did not work well on a mahogany bowl I turned, and the brown worked pretty well on the bark of a bowl made of cherry I recently posted photos of. I did notice the colors seemed to remain kind of grainy in the container of finish, not really completely diluting. Hope this vague info helps some. Mike :o

Jamie Buxton
07-24-2008, 9:24 PM
I believe the Mixol "tints" are what is generally called "universal colorants". That is, they are pigments suspended in a fluid which mixes with water and with oil. That's the stuff which the paint store uses to make up the zillions of colors you can order. Mixol's brand seems remarkably expensive. Generic universal colorants cost about $15 per quart.

Peter Quinn
07-24-2008, 9:48 PM
i have the wood workers kit from wood craft, and my local paint supplier sells the whole line in individual colors or a few different kits for different needs. I think the wood workers kit emphasizes umbers and sienna's with a few primary colors for adjusting other shades plus pure black (shwartz) and white.

I have used them to adjust glazes, stains and paints, and shellac. They are VERY concentrated so it doesn't take much. I measure drop by drop. It may be cheaper to buy just the colors you need than the kit. i bought the kit on sale as i didn't know exactly which colors I needed.

They seem to mix well in just about every finish i have tried, with shellac you have to stir often.