View Full Version : Dewalt Lithium Score and Alert

Dennis Hatchett
12-12-2007, 4:03 PM
I'm aware of all the strongly held opinions about cordless tool preferences and brands but here goes anyway. This isn't really a gloat because I still spent a lot of money. But for those facing the same lithium change dilemma I thought I'd post a thread.

I have numerous (10) Dewalt cordless toools and most are the 18volt variety but my two 12 volt drill/drivers are what I use most of the time in the shop for their light weight. All have been great performers over the years but the batteries are showing their age and beginning to decline in performance. The Nicad batteries just tend to fade after a while and I have about 12 of them. I tried to be careful to run them all the way down before charging but over time they begin to decline no matter what you do. I find that I'm only using 6 of the newer batteries that are in the best shape. I tried the rebuild company for one and the price after shipping ended up being the same as a new retail battery.

Anyway, I was facing the need to purchase four new batteries for about $250 or begin the changeover to Lithium. It's tough to swallow the $369 price I had seen at Home Depot for the 18 volt hammerdrill/driver with 2 batteries and the new charger. But the dilemma is whether to continue investing in the old technology or bite the bullet and get the superior lithium batteries.

The Depot did send me a 10% off coupon that is good til the 31st when using my card so I immediately hoped to find the tool cheaper at Lowes or another retail dealer so I could get the orange monster to beat that by 10% as well.

Long story short, Western Tool has it for $359, so I eventually got the Lithium kit for $290.79. The manager even let me buy 2 so my changeover has begun. I'll sell my old nicad stuff as the other tools become available and that will help to offset the cost. I gave the manager fair warning that he better lower the price before I told all my friends, but he said to go ahead and tell everyone. They want the business. I don't think he knew how many friends I have. ;)

Wade Lippman
12-12-2007, 7:30 PM
I sold all my 18v dewalts, kept my 12v, and bought the 36v. They are good, but way overhyped. I hope your 18v lithiums are better; at least they were cheaper!