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View Full Version : A better mouse trap ?

Scott Donley
12-12-2007, 12:31 PM
Out in the shop the other day and noticed a bunch of little foot prints on the router table leading to the DC hose. After looking around also found prints on the jointer. I set out some mouse traps but so far only gotten more foot prints :) My question is, should I just turn on the DC and wait to hear a thump ? Now would be a great time to have a Clearview, might be kind of fun :) As is though, it is only a single stage DC with runs to planer and TS also. Any ideas ?

George Bregar
12-12-2007, 12:35 PM
Mouse trap, peanut butter, and time. Put the traps along a wall...mice travel that way. Meeces to pieces. ;)

Bill Huber
12-12-2007, 12:38 PM
I don't have any really great ideas but I will say you need to get them out of there. They can sure screw up a nice cast iron top in no time at all.

Good traps with peanut butter works very well for me.

Scott Donley
12-12-2007, 12:42 PM
Mouse trap, peanut butter, and time. Put the traps along a wall...mice travel that way. Meeces to pieces. ;)
That is what I am using. Also one trap on the router and one in the jointer. I think the mouse has found the super highway or lost in the maze at this point :)
PS. This will teach me to keep the gates shut !

Lee Schierer
12-12-2007, 12:45 PM
If the mice are licking the peanut butter off the trip pan, tie a bit of rag to the trip pan with thread. Mash the peanut butter into the cloth set the trap where you see foot prints. Some times, I've heard the traps pgo of just as I closed the door.

jason lambert
12-12-2007, 12:54 PM
I have gone through a bunch and this is the best by far! Nice thing is you don't need to leave out any food which only attracts other things (or more mice) and it will catch several at a time. You wouldn't think it works but it does. I forgot about it in my basement I had it on a shelf armed in a place where I didn't think any mice wuld get to it and one day went to get it because I thonght I had a mouse and found about 7 dead mice in it that where in there for a long time. I would how ever put a plexy glass piece in stead of the metal if you are going to leave it set so it is easy to check.

Ketchall Mousetrap

Greg Sznajdruk
12-12-2007, 2:43 PM
Are you sure it's mice. Could have been Santa's Elves.


Vicky Orsini
12-12-2007, 2:52 PM
The best mouse trap every created ... the CAT! ;) We borrowed one from a neighbour when we had mice running around inside our walls - a couple of days later, no mice to be found anywhere. :)

Joe Pelonio
12-14-2007, 11:19 AM
I use a small piece of walnut or pecan, with thin wire to keep it attached to the trap, and peanut butter around and over it. If they lick of the PB without springing it, then they try to get the nut and it gets them every time.

Randal Stevenson
12-14-2007, 11:41 AM
I have had to use glue traps together, as they don't always hit squarely on the first one and get caught. Now a not so pretty way to get rid of them, and something for outside, is; I was told by a late relative, who was an exterminator, that they can't belch. Leave out some alkaseltzer tablets, and they go boom!

David Epperson
12-14-2007, 12:29 PM
Mice cannot seem to resist peanut butter. Rats on the other hand do not seem to care for it much. I've found dry dog food to be much more effective with those. And I found the live traps to be very effective, Harbor Freight has a rat sized live trap for less than $10 - it ain't a Hav-a-Hart but it does work. Disposing of them afterwards is not quite as "worry free" as dumping a carcass , but you can put a regular spring trap in the live trap unbaited and thr pest will eventually pace across it and solve that issue.

Cliff Rohrabacher
12-14-2007, 1:23 PM
U use HAVOC. I get it from an AGWAY. Any farm supply should have it.
I mix peanut butter in the stuff and the rats can't resist it.

Cliff Rohrabacher
12-14-2007, 1:24 PM
I use HAVOC. I get it from an AGWAY. Any farm supply should have it.
I mix peanut butter in the stuff and the rats can't resist it.

It kills 'em so well I always have extra around.
Pretty green pellets should make for a good addition to the holiday table~!!

David G Baker
12-14-2007, 2:12 PM
I use lots of the pretty green pellets, I have found them stashed all over the place so they could actually end up on the holiday table if I am not careful.
I am trying the 5 gallon bucket method. The bottle on a string and water in the bucket. Mine is still frozen, didn't think to put antifreeze in the water.

Lee Schierer
12-14-2007, 2:40 PM
I am trying the 5 gallon bucket method. The bottle on a string and water in the bucket. Mine is still frozen, didn't think to put antifreeze in the water.

Okay, I'll bite, what's the bottle on a string method??

David G Baker
12-14-2007, 3:29 PM
Get a 5 gallon paint bucket, drill a couple of holes directly opposite of each other in the side of the bucket at about the same level as the handle, take a small plastic soda or water bottle and drill a small hole in the lid and in the middle of the bottom of the bottle, take a piece of fishing line (I used a piece of #14 copper electrical wire) and fasten one end in one of the holes in the 5 gallon bucker, string the line through the bottle and fasten it to the other side of the 5 gallon bucket. Pull the line so it doesn't have any sag in it (the reason I used wire, couldn't get rid of the looseness of the fishing line) The bottle should spin freely.
Fill the 5 gallon bucket approximately 1/2 half full of water (in cold country add some antifreeze to the water, which I didn't) Add a glob of peanut butter to the center of the bottle. Add a ramp to the side of the bucket so the critters can almost reach the peanut butter. I also added a 1/2 teaspoon of dish detergent to break the surface tension of the water, I don't know if it helped because my water froze prior to getting to use it.
The critters will try to get on the bottle and close to the peanut butter, fall into the water and go to visit their maker.
I have not caught any critters yet due to frozen water but many of my friends have said that it works very well.

Dennis Pickerl
12-14-2007, 3:49 PM
The bucket method by David B works really well. I don't bother with the wire, I just half fill the bucket and put a smear of peanut butter a couple inches down from the edge on the inside. Place a ramp for access and I guanantee your mouse problems will be over. I've also used this method with anti freeze at the cottage and to our surprise there were 19 in the mouse soup come spring.
