View Full Version : Ben Delivers The Big One!

Doug Evans
02-19-2004, 8:10 PM
Well Folks:

Ben is eating big-time crow right now. He has always AGGRESSIVELY maintained that he did not like those GAUDY, NON-TRADITIONAL, Brass Adjustered planes.

After a succession of such planes, this 24" Jointer finally got to him. At suppertime today he felt disposed to deliver the utterance:

"They're so GD Beautiful! I have to admit, I am a convert."

Now I realize that Ben has probably had scholarly arguments with many people that frequent these sites. In such debates, he has taken the position that such planes were never really produced by the original makers, and they are just totted up fakes for those that like bobbles and such....

So go ahead, throw some grease on the fire. After two days of lapping and hand scraping, I'm sure he's up to a few pokes!

Dont let him weasel out - I have a witness.



Tyler Howell
02-19-2004, 10:52 PM
It's ok to convert Ben with works of art like those.;)

Glenn Clabo
02-20-2004, 5:07 AM
I have to say the planes are awesome...however that glass container with a small sip missing makes the photo good enough for mounting.

Dave Anderson NH
02-20-2004, 6:03 AM
Really fantastic work. The glass of ale is nice too, BUT-- I'd better not see a wineglass in one of your photos. :D

I'll look forward to seeing you guys on the 10th of April for the Guild planemaking demo and build. We do have that amber consumable available in NH too, though maybe not the same brand.

Ben Knebel
02-20-2004, 8:57 AM
That Doug--makes sure I have to eat crow on every site there is.
Oh well---nice crow---pretty crow--come here now---isn't that frying pan pretty---it's cold outside --let me warm you up---ummmm--tasty.

Aaron Heck
02-23-2004, 12:18 PM
Very nice looking. Are these for sale anywhere? Or are these just being made by 1 person for themselves?


Eric Sanford
02-23-2004, 12:23 PM
Why do I keep doing this to myself? Why? Why? Why? I know what will happen and still I open up the message....... :(

and Ben is absolutely right, they are GD beautiful! :)


Ben Knebel
02-23-2004, 7:48 PM
Very nice looking. Are these for sale anywhere? Or are these just being made by 1 person for themselves?


They are most assuredly for sale---go to www.shephertool.com and follow the links.


Doug Evans
02-23-2004, 8:35 PM
Y'know Eric, I never really looked at it that way... we are really destroying the social and mental fabric of Neanders everywhere.

To show good faith and public spirit, we will randomly present a re-worked 60's vintage Stanley Handyman to keep an element of surprise to these postings. In addition, Ben and I have pledged to conduct therapy sessions with all that will join us at The Breadalbane on the third Thursday of each month.

In the meantime, exercise as much restraint as possible is the best policy. Look where all that un-restraint got us - you dont want to end up in such a sorry state!

'Til the meetin,


Brian Matthews
03-01-2004, 4:52 PM

I believe you made a typo!


Absolutely beautiful as always.


Doug Evans
03-01-2004, 8:08 PM
Here are some pictures from the PopWW event.

In addition, we will be at the NH WW Guild on the 10th for a build session, and the LIWW show on the following weekend.

We are thinking that we might travel down as far as North Carolina or Atlanta between April 11 and April 14. So, if you have a group that needs a speaker, let us know.

