View Full Version : Reindeer Herd

Jimmy Williams
12-11-2007, 7:56 AM
This will be my first post showing off some of my finished work and while they are not fine woodworking they are made of wood. 2x4's to be exact. I found the pattern on another ww'ing site so the design is not my own. However, I did add the tail to the design so I feel like I improved on the design.
I had found the template around this time last year and had shown them to LOML and she fell in love with them. So this year I started by making four of them for our family (1-large, 1-Medium, and 2-Small's). After I was done with those she asked how long it would take to make 30.:eek:
Always looking for an excuse to go make some sawdust, I said let's see and I got to work. Unfortunately I only made it halfway there as my back starting killing me from all of the standing at the bandsaw. There are 19 in total and will be given as Christmas presents this year to several family members. The smallest is 7 5/8" tall and the tallest is 11 1/4" tall. The tallest is actually made out of 2 2x6's glued face to face for a 3" thickness.

All were sanded, and then sanded and then sanded some more, up to 220, and then stained with one coat of Minwax Provincial stain and finally finished with two coats of Minwax Semi-Gloss Polyurethane that I sprayed on using my HVLP gun. I am pleased with the overall results of the reindeer and the finish as this was the first time that I had actually used the gun.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

P.S.- I read the site almost everyday and am constantly in awe of the work you guys put out. Thanks for all of the advice that you guys give out without knowing it.


Russ Filtz
12-11-2007, 8:15 AM
Those look pretty cool. I assume they are only meant for display? Looks like with a little tweaking, size increase, they could be made into children's chairs.

Don Bullock
12-11-2007, 9:37 AM
It sure looks like you enjoyed making sawdust!:D They came out great! The added tail is a good improvement for the design.

Jim Becker
12-11-2007, 11:25 AM
Someone's been busy! LOL Very nice work! I also like the tail and how you did it, too. Very nice, indeed!

Craig D Peltier
12-11-2007, 11:54 AM
Pretty fancy 2x4s! The Borg would be impressed!

gary Zimmel
12-11-2007, 12:01 PM

Great job on the herd.....

Curt Harms
12-11-2007, 12:19 PM
I had found the template around this time last year and had shown them to LOML and she fell in love with them. So this year I started by making four of them for our family (1-large, 1-Medium, and 2-Small's). After I was done with those she asked how long it would take to make 30.:eek:

See what happens when You do something your LOML approves of?:D:D. Very nicely done.

Jared Cuneo
12-11-2007, 1:20 PM
How about sharing that template :)


George Bregar
12-11-2007, 2:48 PM
Very cool indeed.

glenn bradley
12-11-2007, 3:52 PM
Wonderful work and I second the vote to share the template or the link to where you found it.

Jimmy Williams
12-11-2007, 5:01 PM
How about sharing that template :)


By popular request I give you the template that I used. This one is sized for the small one and I just took this to the copier and enlarged it for the other two sizes. The numbers by the templates are the order of the cuts. The person that originally posted the template had used 2x4's and 2x6's so that is what I did. Turns out to be pretty cheap materials that way. These would also look good out of some of the other exotic woods I see you guys use but would drive the cost up. Good luck!


Dan Barr
12-11-2007, 5:41 PM

grandma got ran over.................



glenn bradley
12-12-2007, 5:42 PM
Thanks for posting the template! Here's another:

"Michael Hinkel"
12-16-2007, 8:07 AM
Thanks Jimmy I made a few and my wife just loves them

Steve Mellott
12-16-2007, 1:46 PM

What size stock do you typically use with this template? Thanks.


George Bregar
12-16-2007, 1:48 PM
I think the same as the OP, standard 2x4's.

Jimmy Williams
12-17-2007, 7:30 AM
Have you made reindeer from this pattern before? I like the design but wonder how difficult it is to cut out once you cut the front profile out (2" thickness) and then flip it down to cut the side profile (4" thickness). Seems like it would be unstable as it pass through the bandsaw.

It may be fine as I have not tried this one yet but was just curious if you had made some from it?

Per Swenson
12-17-2007, 7:36 AM
Awe Heck,

That there is the prettiest set of Mantel top rifle racks

I've ever seen.:D

No really, you gave me a great Idea.


Rick Moyer
02-06-2008, 7:10 PM
I made one of these from Jimmy's pattern before Christmas and then gave the pattern away to someone who wanted to make some. I recently remembered I wanted to copy the template again so I would have it BUT...now I can't see or print the template from Jimmy's one response (dreaded red X), but I CAN see and print Glenn's?????
Can someone help me out, please?

"Michael Hinkel"
02-06-2008, 7:26 PM
Here ya go


Rick Moyer
02-06-2008, 8:24 PM
Thank you Michael, much appreciated!:)