View Full Version : Rockler router plate

Brian Keith
12-11-2007, 12:25 AM
I just bought this plate for my mdf ts wing. What is the best way to cut the opening for the plate? Thanks

Norman Pyles
12-11-2007, 2:00 AM
I just bought the template from Rockler. I think it was about 9 bucks. You could make your own template by placing your plate on some mdf and puting scrap boards around it. Start one end of your first board even with the end of the plate and you will not have to cut the lengths of any of them to size. Just nail them down and route out the middle with a flush cutting bit. Hope this makes sense.

Brian Keith
12-11-2007, 2:29 AM
Norman that makes sense and is how they do it in the newest Fine Woodworking magazine. I was looking to see if there was a different way. Thanks though.

frank shic
12-11-2007, 10:11 AM
brian, get the shorter door hinge mortising flush trimming bit so you don't have to use a really thick template. i used a bunch of 3/4" plywood strips to install four rockler plates just recently and found that the standard 1" flush trimming bit would occasionally bite into the template if i accidentally tilted it just slightly.